Wrafton's Inn Building / Landmark in Erellion | World Anvil
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Wrafton's Inn

Wrafton's Inn is basically a boarding house for miner's who are either new to town or for one reason or another down on their luck. It offers room and board for 3sp/day for members of the Silver Pick and 5sp for everyone else. The proprietor is one Ilsa Tomborine a rough and tumble woman who lost her husband to the mines. She is stern and tough but is motherly to her regular customers, mostly with tough love.

Purpose / Function

Lodging for miners who are new to town and have yet to establish residence or for those who are down on their luck.


The building is much the same as it was when it was built. Like many buildings in Wayhill it was built to serve a purpose and not much else, and it was built right the first time.


The building has a stone foundation and is square with solid wooden walls and a flat roof.
Founding Date
Parent Location
Characters in Location

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