Wilkerson Highburn Character in Erellion | World Anvil
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Wilkerson Highburn

Wilkerson is a bit of a recluse mad-scientist who lives in a rather large tower along the main southern avenue in The City of Wayhill . He appears to be a late middle-aged man, with crazy white hair and a generally disheveled look.   He talks fast and always seems to have half a dozen things going on at once.   His tower is an open tube on the bottom with one floor about 30' up that is reached by a stair that hugs the interior wall of the tower. He has an odd assortment of items and trinkets throughout his laboratory and workshop.   He considers himself to be an inventor but is rather absent minded.   He sells potions and creates items on commission to fund his work. The tower was inherited from a reclusive wizard.
Current Location
White, wild

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