The Blackened Anvil Organization in Erellion | World Anvil
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The Blackened Anvil

When people travel to The City of Wayhill they often come seeking many things but above all else they come to buy products made from the legendary Blackened Anvil Guild. The Guild is known for being able to produce anything one can imagine. Even if they discover a new pattern, a secret formula or an easier way of doing something they quickly master it and are even known to enhance the procedure. The Guild takes great pride in having the best armorers, weapon smiths, blacksmiths, stone workers, alchemists, rune smiths and engineers in all of Erellion and they boast this fact in a tournament that they host every four years with the winner receiving a platinum hammer. No one has ever beaten them. ??Name of tournament?? ??When was tournament last held?? The guild has very strong ties with the The Diamond Pick guild and often help each other out beyond what would be expected of them.


The leader of the Guild is know as the Grand Master , he is responsible for representing the Guild at the Iron Table, ensuring the guild and its masters keep up with demand and quality of the work that needs to be done.  The Grand master also appoints a head or master of each major craft enabling him to divert his time on overall Guild business. The master's roles are to ensure the best products are being made and to instruct the craftsmen below him on techniques and procedures.


Quality is the most important aspect of your work. Techniques are to be shared and developed within the guild. There is always room for improvement.

Public Agenda

The Blackened Anvil takes great pride in their wares and techniques. They boast this fact in the public eye, declaring their wares to be the best in all the kingdoms. They promise that an order or product purchased will be the highest quality and have the full weight of the guild behind each and every ware that is produced.


The guild has many assets including a plethora of tools and a great library that holds all their plans and records. However, their greatest asset is the Great Forge that lies beneath the city. Few have seen the forge for themselves but those that have say that it rivals that of the great dwarfs to the east in the Dragon's Nest Mountains.


The Guild started as an off-shoot of The Diamond Pick. The Diamond pick would have to stop every so often to refine the materials that were mined in the Mountain of Endless Fortune and then restart after the process of smelting was complete. At one point a few members said they would do the refining around the clock in order for the village to be able to grow and sell their ores and gems on a regular schedule. Eventually the men who were doing this process broke away from the Diamond pick and started their own guild, in time they took to crafting finer tools for the miners which lead to more diverse crafting.

All that glitters is not gold – and all that’s black is not cold

Founding Date
Guild, Craftsmen
Alternative Names
The Masters
Leader Title
Parent Organization

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