Beastlands Geographic Location in Erellion | World Anvil
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The Beastlands is a plane that embodies the essence of nature and is ruled by powerful spirits known as the Beast Lords. However, the Beast Lords are not necessarily good or neutral in their alignment, as they embody the primal forces of nature which are often wild, unpredictable, and indifferent to moral considerations.   The Beastlands is a realm of unspoiled wilderness, where animals roam free and the natural order of things is maintained in perfect balance. It is a place of raw power and natural beauty, with rolling hills, dense forests, and shimmering lakes. The inhabitants of the Beastlands are diverse, ranging from fierce predators like lions and tigers to gentle herbivores like deer and elk.   Despite the apparent peacefulness of the Beastlands, it is a place of constant struggle and conflict. The Beast Lords themselves are often locked in territorial disputes with one another, and even the animals of the realm must constantly fight for survival against predators and other threats. However, the Beastlands also has a spiritual side, with powerful druids and shamans using the primal energies of the plane to heal and protect the natural world.
Plane of Existence
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