Arcadia Geographic Location in Erellion | World Anvil
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Arcadia is a plane of goodness, purity, and natural beauty. It is inhabited by powerful celestial beings, such as the archons, who work tirelessly to protect and nurture the plane and all of its inhabitants. The plane is said to be one of the most beautiful in the multiverse, with rolling hills, crystal-clear lakes, and fields of wildflowers stretching as far as the eye can see.   In Arcadia, disease and sickness are almost non-existent, and the natural order is in perfect balance. The plane is home to many powerful healing magic users, and those who seek healing often come to Arcadia to be cured of their ailments. It is also a place of peace and tranquility, where conflict and violence are rare.   However, Arcadia is not without its challenges. As a plane of pure goodness, it is constantly under threat from evil forces seeking to disrupt its harmony and destroy its inhabitants. The archons and other good creatures of Arcadia are always vigilant against such threats, ready to defend their home at all costs.
Plane of Existence

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