Sétéist Cosmogony Myth in Ered | World Anvil

Sétéist Cosmogony

At the beginning there was nothing. When a force strong and powerful, burst into existence, this force is Sété. With it chaos was born and all the elements floated in the univers orderless. Until Sété was strong enough to tame her own force and started to put everything into place. The elements were gathered and soon the univers started to take shape. Light, gas, dust and water combined so stars and planets would form and spiral everywhere in countless galaxies.
But she was loosing strength as she was dissolving into her creation.
When the Great Force found a planet on which all the elements were reunited. The Divine Power thought that it needed protection as she knew she was soon going to disappear even though she was immortal, she would dissolve in all that is and would no longer be able to control or protect all that will be, thus she took one piece of each element: light, gas, water and dust, and gave them life, creating the Wardhs, the great protectors of her creation. She knew now she was going to be able to disappear in peace, but before doing so she gave the ability to each of the wardhs to create life, but unlike her they couldn’t combined all the elements and therefor had to cooperate or could only beget creatures bound to their own elements. Soon The planet was swarming with life everywhere.
Then Sété herself created the humans. Made of all the elements and a little bit of the magic she had left. They quickly inhabited all of the planet which they called Éréd. She then dissolved entirely into everything that is, becoming only a force which bonds the universe together.   This force is what we call magic. It can be used and chaneled to craft, cast, spell...


This myth explains the creation of the univers.

Historical Basis

It is an actual “historical event” even though it is regarded as a myth.


It is widely spread across the seteist community, although very few know about its reality.

Variations & Mutation

The myth doesn’t vary within the seteist world.

Cultural Reception

Seteism has been brought by the Sierian people and today the seteist community is mainly composed of Sierians. It is deeply rooted within their culture, other cultures and ethnicities like Oranians have similar beliefs as they practice an animism very close to seteism, the Valeans have their own religion which accept all kind of religions and some of them have even included Sete within their pantheon, making it a mother goddess. The Mermekhs however, are strongly against that cosmogony and all the seteist myths.

In Literature

There are numerous books with tales of that myths in the library of The Palace of the Silver Towers

In Art

Paintings can be found representing the birth of Sete, or the creation of the elements, but Sete is never personified as for Seteist it is not a goddess, but simply the bond of the univers.
Date of Setting
billion years ago
Related Ethnicities
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