Orcs Species in Erebus | World Anvil
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"Looks like meat's back on the menu boys"-Ugluk

Many humans across the world worshipped Bhall during the close of the Age of Magic. Perhaps pride in this led to her fall; whatever the case, many of her followers were twisted by their ties to her as she fell, being warped of body and mind. Orcs since then have shorter life spans, dying naturally after about 50 years. They also have a much more aggressive and difficult nature, leading to many deaths far younger. They enjoy conquest, and see other nations as their birthright, clashing against the newly forming empires in the Age of Rebirth in organized ranks among the Clan, as well as barely controlled waves in war bands and independent tribes. Orcs are strong and have pronounced fangs, and occasionally bones will protrude from their skin as a result of too rapid growth. They have less hair than most humans and vary in coloration from gray to green.

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