The Seat Building / Landmark in Ereacia | World Anvil
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The Seat

Fully "the Splendid, Stately, Striking, Sublime, Sumptuous, Superb, Smashing, Standout, Superior, Superlative and Swanky Seat of Oloward the Magnificent and the Faithful Five", this rundown and ruined old keep once belonged to Sir Ogiero of the Twelve Paladins. The party chanced upon it on the road from Fordefract to Cappebraccia, and after founding the deed to the castle decided to make it their base of operations.
Alternative Names
the Splendid, Stately, Striking, Sublime, Sumptuous, Superb, Smashing, Standout, Superior, Superlative and Swanky Seat of Oloward the Magnificent and the Faithful Five, Sir Ogiero's Keep
Related Report (Secondary Locations)

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