Tznchundel Settlement in Erden | World Anvil
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The depths of Tznchundel, near the Underway, overseen by animantic constructs.
"From atop carven throne,

The Under-King of Tznchundel,

Rules a realm of glowing stone,

Where the brass men dwell."

  - Fragment of a tablet near the Second Hall

Overview and History:

  Tznchundel is a massive ruined dwarven city near the Barrowmere Valley, located in the Irontooth mountains of the western Holmgardian Empire. It was known especially for its advances in the art of animancy, i.e. the manipulation of spirits. For millennia, Tznchundel was ruled by a council and queen of wise matriarchs, but was later overthrown by powerful animancers. As Tznchundel came under attack by illithid and skaven from the depths, it resorted to desperate measures as the souls of their ancestors were forced into unliving automatons - the Warforged. Despite this, they were unable hold off the illithid, and the city fell in the waning years of the Fourth Cycle.   Later, the abandoned city became the base of operations for Dagobert - a powerful agent of Sanguine, and was only reclaimed after great difficulty during the War of the Broken Crypt. After the war, Tznchundel became an important archaeological site, with explorers coming from around the world to reclaim its lost wonders. Much of its technology and culture was salvaged by the dwarves of Prythian in particular, who founded a new dwarfhold far to the northeast.  


  Long lost for centuries, a growing picture of the culture of Tznchundel has emerged since excavations began. Tznchundel, like many other dwarfholds, was originally a matriarchal society with a Queen and consensus-based ruling council. The religion of the dwarves did not focus on any particular god; ancestor-worship was the cornerstone of culture and faith. They also celebrated several important holidays, in common with other dwarf-holds:   The Gwledd Janssen - marks the end of the barley harvest and is celebrated with food, drink and music. It pays homage to ancient Dwarven brewsters and the riches enjoyed by a plentiful harvest.     The Diwrnod Llad - is a solemn holiday in remembrance of that which was lost. Ancient songs are sung and new songs created as future generations weave their own wounds into this day of sorrow and heal a little each year. Offerings are placed by the tombs of the fallen and passed.   The Mynydd Seren - On the longest night of the year the Dwarves of Pythrian celebrate the stars of the sky and the gems of the earth. Warm hearths are lit in the fair reaches of the city, gifts are exchanged and feasts are cooked.   - credits to Erin G   Because Tznchundel was isolated from other dwarf holds and founded by only a small group of colonists, they developed animantic techno-magic to bolster their numbers, initially transmuting the spirits of pack animals and the like into simple metal automata to mine, haul, and carry out other menial takss. Over time, the role of animancers became more prominent, eventually eclipsing the power of the Queen and her council. For the last centuries of existence, Tznchundel was an authoritarian magocracy ruled by animancers.   As their realm fell under attack, the dwarves of Tznchundel developed a siege mentality, becoming extremely dour and pessimistic. Their leaders adopted a ruthlessly cynical policy of transmuting the souls of fallen ancestors into brass golems to defend the city. By the time of its fall, Tznchundel was entirely devoted to raising golems and home to a dwindling population of paranoid, depressed dwarves.  

Tiers of Tznchundel

  Tznchundel is designed as a series of six main tiers, each slightly offset from one another, forming approximately a stair shape.   1. The Lower Vestibule:   The first and lowest tier is coterminous with the Underdark and the highways of the Underway converge here, as do great veins of soulstone that run all the way up to the Hall of Animance. A vast, mineral-rich cavern known as the Halls of Brass contained numerous fungal farms and mines and leads to a defensive hall, the Lower Vestibule, via the Gates of Narchond. Beyond the twin brass gates of the Lower Vestibule, the bridge of Ashbanul crosses a gaping, lava-filled chasm. Guarding the bridge were numerous great cannon and battlements, presenting a fearsome obstacle to would-be invaders. On the other side is a long stair and a network of passages that leads to the Hall of Hydraulics, the second tier.   2. The Halls of Hydraulics:   The Halls of Hydraulics were a sub-tier, minimally habitable, that contained vast quantities of pipes, steamworks, water, and molten lava, all designed to channel motive force to the upper tiers.   3. The Halls of Craft:   The Halls of Craft were a bewildering network of factoria, each sponsored by a different High Lord. First among them were the Golemworks of Archon Mirgazul, a colossal hall where the great brass frames of golems were assembled prior to their eldritch animation.   4. The Halls of Provisioning:   The Halls of Provisioning were another functional level within Tznchundel, designed solely for feeding tens of thousands of hungry dwarves in as efficient a manner as possible. Great channels of water were carved from stone, used to water paddocks of dirt used for the cultivation of fungi.   5. The Hall of the Commons   The Commons were an enormous, ring-shaped hall perhaps a mile in diameter and several hundred feet tall. All along its wall were carven the mansions of Tznchundel, each of which would house an entire grumbling extended family of multiple generations. These mansions peered down on the roads and were stacked on top of each other, their tiny windows looking like a thousand yellow eyes staring into the gloom.   6. The Hall of Animance   Formerly the Hall of Ancestors, the Hall of Animance was the finest of all of Tznchundel's wonders. A colossal enclosure, it was held up by pillars decorated of gold and brass, and from its walls were carved estates, temples, and other stately edifices. In the center, a great ziggurat loomed over its supplicants, once a monument to the ancestors, then repurposed to a more fell aspect. At the heart of the ziggurat was the Construct Animator, a device designed to seize the souls of the ancestors and force them into the cold confines of a metal construct - willing or not.   7. The Hall of Stars   The Hall of Stars was an observatorium rumoured to contain a large, light gathering tube, designed to peer at the very heavens themselves. At the time of Tznchundel's fall, the Hall of Stars had been partially completed and then abandoned as the dwarves turned to the defence of their Under-Kingdom.


Originally, Tznchundel was a matriarchal society ruled by a Queen, but some time in the 5th or 6th centuries a coup deposed her, and Tznchundel became a magocratic society ruled by powerful animancers.


The Under-Kingdom was connected by a vast network of tunnels, now in various states of disrepair, referred to as the Underway. Scattered across the underway were dozens of settlements which functioned as trade posts, lookouts, and resource extraction sites.   
by Jernau_M_Gurgeh
by Jernau_M_Gurgeh
The Bridge of Torgazul   After entering the Lower Vestibule, the entrance to Tznchundel from the Underway, visitors had to cross a narrow, railing-less bridge over a lava-filled chasm, all the while black powder weaponry was pointed at them. During the The War of the Broken Crypt, the bridge collapsed, leaving the Underway nearly inaccessible.  
by Jernau_M_Gurgeh
    Hall of Hydraulics   The heart of Tznchundels manufacturing prowess was a lava and steam powered forge which churned out countless brass golems. The secrets of its operation remain unknown to this day.  
by Jernau_M_Gurgeh
  Hall of Animance   Prior to the coup, the centerpiece of Tznchundel was a vast hall containing a ziggurat celebrating the deeds of the ancestors. After the animantic Archons took over, the ziggurat was capped with a device that channeled dwarven spirits into metal constructs to fight for the ruling council.
Unknown. Likely over 100,000 at its peak.

Cover image: by Elder Scrolls Skyrim


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