Soulstone Material in Erden | World Anvil
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Soulstone is a mineral found in veins deep beneath the world. It is too common to be used as jewelry, too fragile to be used for practical purposes, and not common enough to be used as in everyday crafting or building.

Soulstone has a dark, slightly shiny appearance somewhat similar to obsidian. Certain veins of soulstone glow blue-green, and these are referred to as "activated" soulstone.

It is common knowledge among mages and certain scholars that activated soulstone contains the spirits of departed creatures. In regions where soulstone is found on the surfaces, this property has caused it to enter into village folklore.

In 687 HR, the Champions of Carsgarde discovered that cultists of Sanguine were hoarding soulstone. Later, they discovered that soulstone could be used to fuel magic abilities.
Soulstone is also known as Adra, in the elven tongue.

Cover image: by Hanns Lautensack


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