Rahadin Character in Erden | World Anvil
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Rahadin is the chamberlain of Strahd von Zarovich himself, his loyal lieutenant, and a skilled warrior who extinguished his own people. 
  Long ago, the Kingdom of Tulosh, led by the proud King Barov, fought a protracted and bloody series of wars against the Turadrin - the Dusk elves. Proud and haughty, the Dusk elf queen refused to surrender, preferring the war to go on to the bitter end, no matter the cost in elvish lives. Knowing that defeat was inevitable, Rahadin, a high ranking Dusk elf general, negotiated with Barov, led his armies into the Dusk elf lands, and aided the execution of the elvish royalty. 
  Hated by his own people after this betrayal, Rahadin joined Barov's court, and later served Strahd during his conquest of Delmor. But Rahadin's love for his people never died. When a dusk elf enchantress named Patrina Velikovna was sent to the court, she intended to seduce and betray Strahd, and Rahadin aided her in secret. 
  When Camille Ceancoir was recruited to court to marry Sergei, Rahadin ensured that Camille spent as much time with Strahd as possible, hoping to distract him from Patrina. Rahadin negotiated an exodus for his few remaining people away from Delmor, hoping to give them a new homeland. But on the night of the Black Wedding, Strahd uncovered the betrayal of the Dusk elves. 
  In no mood to negotiate, Strahd gave Rahadin a terrible choice: to execute all of the Dusk Elf women, or to watch as he wiped all of the Dusk elves out himself. 
  Rahadin obliged, becoming the destroyer of his own people and a servant to Strahd. Over the long centuries, he has walked a fine line between madness and sanity, haunted by the ghosts of his fallen people. But he does not regret his actions. He can't afford to. And he has developed a churlish devotion to his master, Strahd.

Cover image: by Hanns Lautensack


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