Erin Edelweiss Character in Erden | World Anvil
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Erin Edelweiss

"Brother, you are truly blessed by Tyr, and such a great leader. But don't you think it is time you learned how to read? I would be more than happy to teach you...."

Erin Edelweiss, to his brother Caspar Edelweiss, Executor of Tyr, in front of the War Council

“Living in the outskirts of Drakenhelm, I could never imagine Erin would rise so quickly. Truly, Tyr smiles upon him.”

- Erika Edelweiss, to her brother-in-law, Caspar

Erin Edelweiss is the older brother of Caspar Edelweiss (a powerful paladin and a leader of the Army to Retake Carovin). For many years, Erin was the golden child of the Edelweiss family. Born to humble beginnings in a village near the holy Imperial city of Drakenhelm, Erin quickly developed a talent for combat. While sparring with his younger brother and two friends and thoroughly thrashing them, a Guard Captain from Drakenhelm noticed his skill. The captain invited him to the great city to train as a guard, and Erin rose quickly through the ranks. During his time in the Drakenhelm guard, some of his accomplishments included slaying an enormous Greenskin in the defense of a village, and incarcerating his own father for public intoxication.

Thus, Erin Edelweiss constantly outshone his shorter, less successful brother Caspar. Their pious mother Adalie and boorish father Duval always spoke well about Erin Edelweiss to the fellow peasants, even as Caspar toiled endlessly with them, scratching a living out of the tough Northern soil. When Erin was promoted to the prestigious position of Palatine Guard in the capital, Adalie was thrilled. But she finally realized that Erin's many accomplishments were beginning to grate on Caspar, and hid the news from him. So Erin rode off to the capital and brought his beautiful wife Erika to their complementary stone apartment in Holmgard, purchased for them out of the Imperial treasury. Sadly, he wasn't able to visit his brother and his parents before he left, for he was too busy getting fitted for a new embroidered cloak; a symbol of his new station.

It was then a surprise when Caspar encountered his own brother in the Imperial Palace, standing guard in glorious mail and winged helm. But it was no less of a surprise to Erin, who never thought his brother would amount to anything. Caspar had gone from peasant, to wandering vagrant, to adventurer, to a budding Paladin, all in the space of a single year. Naturally, Erin volunteered to accompany Caspar on the party's quest to retake Carovin, even though it meant leaving his young family behind in Holmgard. But why? Was it simply because he wished to protect his younger brother out of love? Was it a desire to help his brother better himself even further? Or was it secret jealousy, a desire to remain the most successful member of the family? Who can say...

Physical Description

Body Features

Unlike his younger brother, Erin is powerfully built. His body is rippled, lean muscle, and he stands tall and proud.

Facial Features

Erin is strikingly handsome, with a chiseled jawline, strong nose, piercing eyes, and flowing hair. He has several small battle scars on his face, which actually add to his overall appearance.
A Loving Family?

Erika Edelweiss is Erin's wife from the suburbs of Drakenhelm. She has an endearing laugh and an extremely kind nature, as far as anyone can tell. Being from a village, she outwardly expresses awe at Erin's upward mobility. The couple has two young toddlers, Karl and Gustav, both of whom play at knights around the house with tiny wooden swords.

Flowing and blonde
180 lbs


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