Emperors of Holmgard Document in Erden | World Anvil
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Emperors of Holmgard

Holm Graelingard I - 5 HR - 37 HR

Being the Father of the Nation, the unifier of the Nordling tribes, the Founder of Drakenhelm, and the Victor of Frostfang pass, Ally of the Dwarves, and bane of the Orcs.

Ulric Graelingard I - 37 HR - 61 HR

Being the Founder of Holmgard and Conqueror of the Middenheim Valmer. Builder of the Path of Glory  

Holm Graelingard II - 61 HR - 78 HR

Having moved the capital to Holmgard and beginning the Conquest of Tesendar Bay before dying at an Untimely Age.

Siegfried Lupercal "the Usurper" - 78 Hr - 95 HR

Having succeeded his nephew and Usurping the throne from his great-nephews.

Deuron Lupercal - 95 HR - 121 HR

Ruled the realm from Alberg, founded Deuromar, expanded towards Dunharrow, and subjugated the Three Spear Orcs.

Dagobert Lupercal "the Unready" - 121 HR - 127 HR

Tried to conquer the Halfling realm of Lorien, but was rudely rebuffed. Overthrown and executed.

Lothar Graelingard "the Great" - 127 HR - 150 HR

Restorer of the Graelingards, conqueror of the great city of Velantir, brought the Halflings of Lorien into the fold, expanded the Empire to its Eastern borders.

Ulric Graelingard II - 150 HR - 168 HR

Being the victor of a Lupercal revolt and defender of a renewed Greenskin invasion from Frostfang pass.

Valmar Graelingard "The Old" 168 HR - 210 HR

Having ruled for an unprecedented length of time and having accomplished very little in military affairs.

Dargomir von Raukoff 210 HR - 212 HR

Having overthrown the Emperor's children and ruled the realm with an iron fist, to the betterment of Wizards, Warlocks, and fell Powers

Reiner Berengar 212 HR

Being an uncouth brute who nonetheless slew the Aforementioned traitor, before being himself Assassinated.

Karl Lupercal 212 HR - 215 HR

Having attempted to restore the Lupercal dynasty to no avail, before being rudely deposed.

Ulric Graelingard III 215 HR - 237 HR

Being the restorer of the realm and Rightful ruler, and beginning the conquest of the fell Graahtwood. Slain by the poisoned arrow of a Rhynari coward.

Dagren Graelingard "the Conqueror" 235 HR - 274 HR

Being the greatest conqueror since Lothar "the Great" 100 years prior, Dagren conquered the Graahtwood and brought the Barrowmark into the Empire. He drove the elves into the West or subjugated them, and founded Carsgarde and refounded Carovin.

Hilda Graelingard "the Wise" 274 HR - 302 HR

Being the first Empress, the second Wife of Dagren, warrior-priest of Tyr, and founder of the College of Battlemages. Suppressed the final Lupercal revolt, and benefited the Order of the Long Mind.

Thoric Graelingard I 302 HR - 320 HR

Being a patron of the arts and an Emperor loved by all. Fought a failed war against the Machi and died of an infected wound.

Holm Graelingard III 320 HR - 331 HR

Expanded the borders from the Barrowmark to the Dun river in the South, but lost several armies to Elven treachery.

Thoric Graelingard II 331 HR - 362 HR

Subjugated the people of Dunharrow and named Strahd von Zarovich their "Lord Protector". The Kingdom of Delmor was conquered by Strahd in his name before falling to evil and being renamed Barovia .

Thoric Graelingard III 362 HR - 367 HR

Having ruled for a peaceful five years, died after a horrible bout of dysentary.

Deuron Graelingard 367 - 385 HR

Conquered the great city of Mariengrad and brought it in to the Imperial fold. Established relations with the Principality of Lornham .

Haldemar Graelingard "Elfbane" 385 HR - 401 HR

Conquered the Valmer Elfhold of Aurinia, establishing the Ostmark (the future realm of Arthendain).

Thoric Graelingard IV "The Pious" 401 HR - 420 HR

Made war upon the Sciaran elves but was forced back. Strengthened the Tyrian Church and built the Great Cathedral in Carovin. Fought the Drakkar heresy in the Northern Empire.

Mathilde Graelingard "the Fierce" 420 HR - 449 HR

Warrior-empress who expanded the realm to its greatest ever extent. Under her Blessed reign, Holmgard spanned from the Shimmering Sea to the Lornish coast, from Cape Gaunt to Mount Erheim.

Holm Graelingard IV "the Bland" 449 HR - 461 HR

Idle Emperor who Rested on his fine Mother's laurels, having accomplished very little in the realm of Statescraft. Spent much of the Imperial treasury on lavish festivals and gifts for his friends. Overthrown and killed. His reign is considered to be the start of the decline of our fair Nation.

Dagobert von Templehof I 461 HR - 473 HR

Usurper who favoured the army above all. Taxed the Valmer so severely as to cause a bloody insurrection in Velantir.

Alberich von Templehof 473 HR - 485 HR

A young and exceedingly debauched ruler, he held orgies in the Imperial Palace and prostituted out his own relatives to his Palatine Guard.

Dagobert von Templehof II 485 HR - 503 HR

The wise uncle of the Aforementioned lout. A frugal and just leader, he was slain in the battle of the Dun River by an Sciaran blade. The death of Dagobert triggered the Great Valmer Revolt, which lasted for 10 years and nearly dismembered the Empire.

Henrik Lupercal "the Foul" 503 HR - 513 HR

Widely regarded as a Brute, he treated the Imperial Palace as his private feast hall and pillaged his own countryside before being captured by Valmer rebels and slain.

Davros Aurelion 513 HR - 521 HR

Having placed on the throne by victorious Valmer rebels, he led for only 8 years before the Graelingard dynasty was restored. First and only Valmer Emperor.

Thoric Graelingard V "Ironsides" 521 HR - 543 HR

Having restored the Rightful crown, he ruled with an iron fist. Crushed the Valmer Revolt, instituted increased taxes on magic-users, and briefly made Tyr-worship mandatory.

Thoric Graelingard VI 543 HR - 558 HR

Being an unworthy sot who angered the King of Arknthand by cutting off the beard of his ambassador, causing them to sanction the Empire. Voluntarily abdicated the throne to his younger brother.

Rhuduar Graelingard I 558 HR - 575 HR

Being a warrior-emperor who fought off the greenskin invasion of Murgob "Stabby-Eye" during a time of instablility.

Ulric Graelingard IV "the Stupid" 575 HR - 581 HR

Idle and lecherous emperor who favoured the company of mystics, diviners, and charlatans. Died young in a carriage accident.

Holm Graelingard V 581 HR - 592 HR

Who foolishly declared war on the King of Arknthand, forever closing the doors of the Khazak to the Empire. Died during the Autumn Plague which ravaged the Empire and killed one in four despite the best aid of bloodletters, physickians, and Mages.

Holm Graelingard VI 592 HR - 611 HR

Who fought the Battlemage Revolt after a failed assassination, disbanding their order and replacing it with the Divine Order of Tyr, or the Inquisition, before dying in a hunting accident.

Lothar Graelingard III "the Feeble" 611 HR - 635 HR

Last Emperor of all the Holmgardians. Fought off an invasion by the Eastern elves, two revolts, and a Greenskin invasion, despite being a sickly fellow. Died and divided the Empire between his three sons: Rhuduar, Cardalos, and Arthendain, triggering the War of the Three Emperors.

Cardalos Lothar Graelingard I 635 HR - 645 HR

Defeated his brother Rhuduar in the battle of Isenach and stabilized the remains of the Empire in the aftermath of the War of the Three Emperors. Assassinated by the order of his older brother.

Cardalos Lothar Graelingard II 645 HR - ??

Ascended to the throne as a child. Fought several wars with Rhudaria to no avail. Strengthened the power of the Inquisition to root out fell cults. Fought the Tserad revolt in the late 680s, then directed forces to the Barrowmark to fight the Cult of Sanguine. Assassinated by the lich Dagobert in 687.
Record, Historical

Cover image: by Hanns Lautensack


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