Tower Guard Military Formation in Erda | World Anvil
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Tower Guard

The Tower Guard of Dourdul emerges as an enigmatic force along Kent's borders, a shadowy presence ostensibly sworn to protect, yet intricately entangled with Prince Faulk's insatiable greed and ulterior motives. Fortified strongholds, foreboding towers, and watchful forts serve as both bastions of defense and potent symbols of the Guard's influence. Comprising knights drawn from diverse corners of Erda, the Tower Guard transforms beyond Kent into a mercenary juggernaut, its sinister reputation preceding its arrival.   Venturing into human-dominated realms ensnared by lawlessness, the Tower Guard, under Prince Faulk's calculated leadership, thrives as a malevolent presence. Operating as mercenaries, they cloak their true nature, presenting themselves as hired blades for those in need. However, beneath this façade, their mission transcends mere mercenary work—they emerge as arbiters of a twisted justice, enforcing their own laws upon regions where governance falters.   While the Tower Guard outwardly portrays an image of order, their dark underbelly is fueled by the ambitions of Prince Faulk. Greed intertwines with duty, creating an unsettling synergy that echoes through the organization. In the unfolding saga of Erda, the Tower Guard leaves a captivating tale, where honor becomes a twisted concept, and the pursuit of justice often takes on a darker hue.



It is said that there are always more than 10,000 knights on active assignments at any time in the Tower Guard. That does not include the support teasm that serve them. The Tower Guard also has several legions of soldiers, a small fleet of ships, and untold numbers of reserves.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

Cover image: by Cat Schirf with Generative AI
Character flag image: by Cat Schirf with Generative AI Tools


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