Ulric Wildfang Character in Eraneth | World Anvil
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Ulric Wildfang

Ulric Wildfang

Of all of the villagers of Holzweil, Ulric is perhaps the closest to the wolven side of their blood. Orphaned at a young age when his parents were killed by the Wildborne, he was raised communanly by the village. He shares a strong bond with the Wulfgang heir, Casamir, as both were born the same year.   Ulric spends as much time in the forest with the local wolf pack as he does in the village, constantly patrolling for threats and removing them as they are found.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Large and physically imposing with clearly defined musculature.

Body Features

Tribal tattoos covering his torso and arms along with scars.

Facial Features

Intense amber eye, scars, and a short beard.

Identifying Characteristics

His size and tattoos.

Physical quirks

Wolf like quirks such as tilting his head when listening or raising his nose to air like he's sniffing.

Special abilities

Dark vision, scent, can see blood in color in the dark. Can speak with wolves.

Apparel & Accessories

Well worn leather and a well made breastplate engraved with ancient insignias.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ulric's parents were killed when he was five years old by the Wildeborne. They were moving through the woods when they were attacked by a small band of the creatures. The young child was told to run by his mother and father who attempted to fend off the monsters.   A single wildborne managed to get around them to give chase but Ulric was saved by the intervention of a local wolf pack that saw the Wildborne as invaders on their territory.  The wolves, viewing him as a cub, seemed content to follow him as he stumbled through the woods until he was found by other villagers.   The village proceeded to communanly raise the new orphan and he became close to the young Wulfgang heir Casamir in this time as they were the same age. Plagued by violent nightmares during the following years, Ulric would often run away into the woods where he found comfort and companionship with the wolves.   Over the years Ulric would grow into a strong, large young man. He split his time training with Casamir and running with the wolves. Once he was old enough he began to roam the woods around Holtzweil as one of its protectors. Nothing moved through the local woods without his knowledge and no enemies threatened the young of their village since he took up his vigilance.   Though his missed the initial arrival of the adventurers in Holtzweil as he was chasing down a small band of Wildborne, he was asked by Casamir to aid them in their pursuit of a shared enemy. He accompanied them back to the city of Wolfesfelden as part of this hunt.   Originally believing Casamir had the right to make any choice about his birthright, Ulric's time in Wolfsfelden has began to slowly change his mind. The birthright of his people is a city full of corruption that taints the noble roots it was born from and Ulric is beginning to share in that belief that Casamir must take back his family's throne.


Martial and woodsman training.

Mental Trauma

Lost his parents at a young age.

Intellectual Characteristics

Enjoys plays and performances.

Morality & Philosophy

Blunt, to the point, and honest. Ulric operates on a personal code of honor and loyalty to one's "pack". He has little respect or use for the law and order of Wolfsfelden, viewing the rulers as corrupt and illegitimate.   He is deathly loyal to Casamir, and believes that personal strength is the key to allowing one to live the life they wish.

Personality Characteristics


Seeks to protect his leige lord and people. Is slowly beginning to believe that the Wulfgang family should be restored to its rightful throne.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: strong drink, good food, stories and music.   Dislikes: Cowards, bullies, corruption

Virtues & Personality perks

Loyalty, honesty, and personal code of honor.

Vices & Personality flaws

Too blunt, too brash, and too dismissive of laws and customs that he doesn't agree with.




Contacts & Relations

  • Casamir Wulfgang: his closest friend and liege lord.
  • Rosilind Wulfgang: often heals him after his fights in the surrounding woods and he gathers harder to find herbs for her.
  • Frederick Ironjaw and Cederic: Elderman and 'sherriff' that Ulric often reports to when he returns to the village.
  • Vivienne: loves her stories and performances

A protector of the Wulfgang heir, Ulric is a brutally talented warrior who has mastered his wolven blood.

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Skin Tone/Pigmentation