A'lar Starfall Character in Eraneth | World Anvil
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A'lar Starfall

"The Path of Endless Dreams" A'lar Starfall (a.k.a. Raven)

A'lar Starfall is the only son of the dragon lord of his house. Charming, charismatic, and theatrical he flows through life with a smile on his lips and a purpose in his step. Having returned home in recent years after spending 10 years abroad he has begun to build a reputation for himself and seeks to re-enter Clan politics.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slim and toned, with little fat on his body.

Body Features

Tattoos flowing up his right arm, right shoulder, right side chest, neck and up to his face depicting raven and threads iconography. When shirtless a number of terrible scars are visible along his left side and back.

Facial Features

Full lips, pronounced cheek bones and expressive eyebrows.

Identifying Characteristics

The raven and threads tattoo on his right side. The golden horn jewelry and nearly full crimson eyes.

Physical quirks

Almost always seem to have some semblance of a smirk on his lips and his right hand's fingers often seem to be moving to a tune in his head.

Special abilities

Seems to possess the uncanny ability to guide people true when they come looking to him for advice.

Apparel & Accessories

Fine and expensive clothing made of the finest thread. Gold jewelry decorating his horns, neck, and fingers save for a simple silver ring carved with runes of Emorath along the band.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A’lar Starfall was born twenty years before the last great Dragon Wars. He is the firstborn son, but third child of the amethyst dragon Kazdormu Starfall. He and his elder sister A’varia are both half dragons born from Kazdormu’s kindred rider Tia. Tia is Kazdormu’s mistress, as he is also mated to another amethyst dragon named Galastia. They together had a daughter named Celakaria. Growing up A’lar was close with his dragon sister Celakaria, the two sharing a fondness for the arts and performances. They both got along well with A’varia as well, but the half dragon sister was often more serious and focused than her two siblings which at times prevented them from growing closer.   As he grew older, A’lar would feel drawn to the teachings of Emorath showing an affinity for seeing the threads of fate. This would lead to him becoming a cleric of the goddess. When the Dragon Clans went to war once again, A’lar would follow his father and mother to the frontlines with the intent to use his healing magic to support them and their allies during the war as Clan Amaranthis sought to find peace between the clans. Celekaria and A’varia would left to oversee the House’s holdings, though Celekaria was angry she was not allowed to accompany her brother.     Nearing the end of the war, A’lar attempted to use his gifts to find the threads of fate needed to end the fighting. Following one thread granted him a vision from Emorath of the future. All futures ended in death sweeping across and consuming the world. He was shown a great temple surrounded by battle, and a vision of dragons falling from the sky. A’lar warned his parents of this impending doom. Willing to see if the vision was accurate they traveled with the young cleric as he followed his vision. Arriving to a temple hidden from the world, they were greeted by a great silver dragon and her rider battling multiple reds in the air around the temple. His father and mother rushed towards the battle, A’lar channeling his divine magic to empower them when a great flash erupted atop the temple. A’lar’s magic was cut off instantly causing a surge of power to course through his body as his father fell from the sky.   In the aftermath, A’lar would be found by a woman named Ferius. Practically catatonic and paralyzed from the fall, he spent nearly two years learning how to walk and use his body again. He also discovered he was no longer able the channel the magic of Emorath. The young man’s constant good humor and wonder seemed destined to be drowned in sorrow and despair.   The next 10 years of his history are unknown. But going on 8 years ago the missing A'lar Starfall would return to Amarathine. Converting an old temple into a tavern called The First Steps, he would begin to gain prestige and reknown as a networker and problem solver.


The rumors are very intriguing aren't they?


Private tutors of House Starfall. Theological training within the priesthood of Emorath. 10 years of traveling the world abroad.


Owns The First Steps

Accomplishments & Achievements

Survived fighting in the war. Hasn't been killed yet.

Mental Trauma

Was channeling the power of Emorath when the gate closed. Watched his father and mother fall from the sky when the dragons fell to slumber.

Intellectual Characteristics

Clever and well-read. Enjoys discussions of fate and the arts.

Morality & Philosophy

Believes that everyone walks their own paths, but sometimes those paths come into conflict and one must follow their heart. Generally falls on the side of good but recognizes that sometimes the 'law' is incapable of solving problems.

Personality Characteristics


Currently unknown but always seems keen on people's paths and the future of Clan Amaranthis.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes the arts, creativity, cleverness.   Dislikes boring people.

Virtues & Personality perks

Being interesting is a virtue isn't it?

Vices & Personality flaws

Spend a weekend with him and find out.


Always exceptional.


Contacts & Relations

The Raven: A networking, information, and problem solving group he runs. They are compromised the Talons, the Feathers, and the Nestmakers.   Various people of a multitude of social statuses and professions throughout the city. His "Dear Friends"

Family Ties

  • Father: Kazdormu Starfall; amethyst dragon lord (slumbering)

  • Father's Mate: Galastia: amethyst dragon (slumbering)

  • Mother: Tia Valasse; sylvan elf kindred of Kazdormu (slumbering)

  • Sister: Celekaria; amethyst dragon (slumbering)

  • Sister: A'varia; half dragon (alive and awake)

Religious Views

Formerly an acting cleric of Emorath. Now a Fate Scribe of Emorath.

Social Aptitude

Even when people manage to not like him he seems to get his way.


Elaborate and theatrical at times.

Hobbies & Pets

A raven named Lady. Performing

Wealth & Financial state

He seems to be doing surprisingly well.

The son of a slumbering dragon lord who follows and guides the Threads of Fate.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Mystery
Honorary & Occupational Titles

The Path of Endless Dreams

Date of Birth
40 years ago, obviously
Current Residence
The First Steps, Amaranthine
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases

"Destiny is much the same as the distinction between a house and a home. Certainly a house is a building. It has walls, a roof, hopefully a door. But, it does not become a home until someone chooses to live there. Destiny is much the same. Fate creates the roll it needs, but there is always a choice to be made."

Known Languages

Draconic, Elvish, Gnomish, Dwarven, Imperial

The Tangled Threads

A'lar stood before the table within his inner sanctum lost in thought as he considered the item before him.     "Been here a while now." A voice would break through the silence, pulling him from his rumination. He'd glance up to see Bliss standing in the doorway before returning his gaze downward.   "Did I make the right choice for the Raven?"   The diminutive elf would step quietly into the room, moving to stand across the table from him. "Not like you to doubt."   "Not like me to make so many mistakes, either." He'd reply evenly, frowning as he considered the item on the table. "Garr was the first to join us when we returned to the city. Only you and Katerina have been with me longer."   "You didn't kill him."   "Perhaps not. But, it was my choice to change the Raven's path. To change each of yours. Did I choose correctly, or have I lost the Threads?" No answer came from Bliss this time as she watched him evenly, waiting. Mintues would pass in quiet before A'lar sighed deeply.   "Do you remember when we first met?" His eyes coming back up to meet hers. She'd nod to his question.   "You saved me."   "Did I?" He'd counter.   "I was a Discordance. Your mentor said you should end me."   "She did." He'd agree. "Your Path was a dark one. The Tapestry surrounding you, frayed. But, I saw a Thread. I told you that changing one's Path comes with a price. Asked if you were willing to pay it and -"   "And I said, yes." She would finish, cutting him off.   A'lar would smile softly at that. "And you said: yes." He'd let out an amused sigh and reach down to lift the item from the table, struggling silently with the weight. Bliss would watch him as he carried it over to the wall at one end of the room and hang it from hooks. He'd step back to regard it carefully as Bliss came to stand next to him.   "We all have our price to pay." A'lar would muse as the two of them stood looking upon the elobarate axe that Garr had once carried into battle and fell into a comfortable silence.

The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here...

The Briefest of Respites

"Wait, you're leaving again? You just got back!"   "Yes, well...an undead horde lead by a dracolich seem to be a matter worth investigating." A'lar would reply, stifling a yawn.   Elinari would frown. "My Feathers haven't heard of a dracolich, just the Ruthenians."   "I imagine that ambassador from Starlight has more up to date information than what your people were able to discern from a distance." Ka'var would comment as he steadily watched the quiet elf by the door.   "I'm fine, priest."   "Perhaps, but it would be alright if you were not, Bliss. I am here if you need to talk."   Her eyes would narrow in warning, a sign the priest would pick up on and raise his hands in surrender.   A'lar would watch the exchange with some interest but continue on when it was clear Bliss was done with the topic of her revival. "Either way, it's concerning. Best to see what is happening ourselves and provide some help to an ally in the process."   "Not to mention if you can beat the Council to provide aid, you show they are just talk and no action. Make them seem pointless." Elarni would muse.   Tapping the side of his nose with a grin, "Just so," A'lar would agree. "And besides...it's more productive than hunting for the missing lord from Aureate. It also gives you more time to uncover the rest of the cell leaders."   Elinari would make a face at that. "Something you and that shape shanging elf could help with and speed along with your skills."   "Doubtful, he can't even become a cat." A'lar's response would cause the other half dragon to sputter in confusion as the the others in the room also seem puzzled by the comment. Bliss just rolled her eyes.   "Uh.....right." Oakly would say, trying to bring the conversation back onto track. "And the reports of the dracolich you mentioned....do you think it could be a servant of well, you know.." The others would shake off their confusion to watch their leader more closely for his answer.   His fingers drumming on his leg slightly, A'lar would take a breath seeming to think. "The threads aren't clear from this distance. It could just be a Ruthenian lord looking for more power. A dragon of Dark Grove that avoided the slumber because of its nature, or..."   "..or what?" Ka'varr would ask.   Sighing, A'lar would finish his thought. "It may just be a risen dragon either lost in the war or Ruthenia has found a way to kill and raise the dragons in their slumber. Or it could be the servant of Thurazder that helped destroy the free city of Tallaine. A rebel vampire lord's child who had risen dragons under her command. It's impossible to know with the information we have. And all are threats that need to be dealt with to ensure the security of Iobhan."   The others would take a few moments to ponder those somber options falling into an uneasy quiet. A'lar would take the quiet time to study his nails as he let his lieutenants consider what each option might mean.   "That's why you want to study and recreate the ritual. You want an army."   A'lar would glance up from his hand to the priest, his face impassive.   "I couldn't, for the life of me, understand why you'd want to be able to make draconians. You never struck me as the sort to want to forcefully bind others to you. But, that's why. You want an army ready for a coming war."   "Or wars." Bliss would speak emphasizing the plural.   The others would look to her at her words before turning their gazes back to A'lar. He'd just offer a slight smirk. "Better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war." He'd stand and clap his hands together. "Well, that's enough dreary thoughts for the moment. On the morrow or the next day The Scales and I will be leaving for Starlight lands to see what we can do about things. While I'm away, we have some serious work to do. Elinari, Oakley. We need to expand our work force. We need everything from workers to informants, crafters, and guards. Every person we'd need to support a larger force and spread through the city better."   He'd turn to the priest. "Ka'varr, you'll coordinate with them. Oakly will focus on the work force, Elinari on informants and the like, and you'll help Garr expand our guards and protection as we expand."   "You're leaving him behind this time?" Elinari sounded surprised. "He's one of your longest serving Claws."   "Which is why he is staying to see to it since I will be going with A'lar." Bliss would respond. "Gwen can trade out for him. She and Katerina can provide escort."   He'd nod to that, turning back to the others. "Make sure to keep some of your people on the rebels as well. We still need to have information on them. Loop Lirien in on either task as she is needed or is willing to help. I'll have some final instructions written up for each of you before we depart. For now I need some rest. Bliss, hold back a moment."   The others would give affirmations and file out. A'lar would watch them before stepping over to the elven woman. She'd frown at him with a bit of a glower. "I'm fine."   "Mhmm." He'd agree coming to a stop right before her, head tilted as he considered her.   Annoyance would creep into her voice as she glared up at him. "I said I'm FI-" Her words would be interrupted as A'lar suddenly hugged her, causing her to stiffen up in surprise.   "I would have missed you. Thank you for coming back." A'lar would say quietly. "I've lost enough family for a lifetime."   Bliss, clearly uncomfortable with and not use to affection would bring up a hand to tepidly pat his back in the closest aproximation of a hug she was ever likely to give. "I still owe you a life."   He'd laugh at that, standing back and clapping his hands on her shoulders. "Yes. You do. And you'd be very difficult to replace."   She'd shrug off his hands, rolling her shoulders. "Right, well if you're done being annoyingly sentimental I have things to see to."   Grinning at her. "Goodnight, Bliss."   She'd roll her eyes and leave. "Whatever."   He'd grin at the door for a few moments after she closed it before giving a long sigh and going to pour himself a drink. Carrying his glass to a seat in front of a desk where some notes and reports were scatter he'd take a seat and consider things. He'd study the familiar feeling of losing a sister that Bliss' death had brought up in him, both surprised and amused by it. Next he'd analyze the conversation with his actual sister A'varia, and the choices it entailed and if they were the right ones. Lastly he'd turn his thoughts to the east and what waited for them there. He'd sit there for an hour or two, slowly drinking his bourbam as he studied the Threads he could see before him. Finally, after following them as far as he could with the information he had, he'd head to bed.    

The Gambit of Peace

A'lar would lounge in his usual chair, his head leaning back as he seemed to study the ceiling. "I feel we did less untangling of knots than we just pushed the problem down the road for a spell."   "If the violence stops for a time, is that not a win?" Elinari would inquire from another chair where she was reading through papers from her Feathers. "Enemy of my enemy and all that?"   "The cockatrice is dangerous. Maybe more so than the Council." Bliss would say. Elinari would frown at that, but not disagree with the woman.   A'lar would bring his gaze back down to the room. "Perhaps, or perhaps he will end up one of our dearest friends. For now, violence is halted and we have thrown our lot in with a side to see the city stabilized. We can accept that as a win."   "We cannot change the past, only the future." Ka'Varr would say simply.   A'lar would smile and point a finger at at the priest of Emorath. "Just so. Ever forward. So....The Scales of Fate will be leaving for a spell. At least a month, just with the travel time. I want to make sure we're prepared before so."   "Are you taking any of the Claws?" Bliss would ask with a quiet intensity, her tone implying that the answer had better not be a 'no'.   He'd consider her, seeming amused. "Yes, I think we should. It will help with the caravan cover. You have suggestions on who?"   She'd stare back at him in a way that others might be put off by, but A'lar knew meant she was calculating. After a minute she'd say. "Me, Katerina, and Garr. Gwen can keep things running here with the other five since we've no one to watch at the moment."   He'd nod. "Alright. I'd figure you'd want more."   She shrugged, "We don't have the people for more. Not while fulfilling our other duties."   "Yes, manpower is a slight issue." A'lar would agree. "At least when it comes to people we know we can trust completely. Which is why I plan to ask Lyrien to help Elinari in her endeavor. And Caeldreth too, I think."   The half dragon woman named would glance up from her papers. "I have to ask if we can trust either, though for different reasons."   "Lyrien wishes to help people, and what better way to help someone than prevent their death? As for Celdraeth she spoke true and a person's path can change. I trust all members of the Raven, but there are not enough of us to do what needs to be done right now."   She'd nod, sighing and setting the papers down. "You're right. There were only four people under me to begin with and with the problems here and in the east, we are stretched thin. I don't like it completely, but sometimes risks are needed in my line of work."   The corner of A'lar's mouth would quirk up. "Wonderful. I will speak with both then. For now let us all get some rest. I'll speak to each of you in private more in next few days before I leave."   The others would nod, finishing their drinks and going back to their work.      

The First Loss

A'lar would stare off into the distance somberly, his thoughts dancing on matters outside of the room.   "It wasn't your fault, you know."   He'd shake off his thoughts and glance to the elven man. "Is it not? A dozen ways it could have gone differently. A number of choices I could have made."   "Perhaps," Ka'varr would answer, the priest's voice calm and understanding. "But, the past is unmalleable, only-"   "Only the future can be shaped by our choices." A'lar would finish, sighing and offering a grin. "I see the Temple teaches the same lessons, still."   Ka'varr would just nod his head in agreement but not speak farther.   "Right, ever onwards." A'lar would say, clapping his hands together and looking to the other members of the meeting. "Updates, thoughts, criticism?"   Oakley would shake his head some. "We just need to get reopened and business back into swing so some of the softer staff don't dwell too much. You agreed to hire some more servers to offset the burden some. The First Steps is a large tavern last year we finally starting filling it properly."   "The more the merrier," he'd smile. "Go ahead and hire some on, Elinari?"   The half dragon woman would swirl the wine in her cup. "We're still looking into the disturbances in the east that the Starlight lady asked about. I've got Rookwood and Gaelyn on it. Carson and Mummer are open for assignment since you took us off tailing detail for the others."   "Let's set them on starting to try and find leads on the other cells for now. I suspect we need more to go on to bare fruit, but they may turn something up."   She'd nod to that. "I'll start making some subtle inquiries at the Academy, see if that lead about the scholar being recruited by the Cockatrice is enough to turn up anything."   "Excellent, Bliss?" he'd ask turning to the person in the room who had been with him the longest. His raised eyebrow conveying more than his words would to her.   She'd hold up her hand flat towards him. Keeping it still and steady as she looked him in the eye. He'd grin and wink. "I never doubted."   The elven woman would roll her eyes and drop her hand. "The Claws are angry, but ready. I will need to fill Osric's place, but we will do better next time."   "Not your fault we got made. But, the people look out for the Basilisk in that neighborhood. If not, it'd have gone very differently." Elinari would respond. "What was that necklace you smashed by the way?"   Bliss would shrug. "Something that was no longer needed."   Seeing that answer just made Elinari more interested, A'lar would interject. "Was gaudy jewelry anyways, really. But, I think that's enough for tonight. We're all tired, and perhaps a bit tipsy. Remember, if any of your people seem like they need it....point them to Ka'varr or Lyrien. For now though, I need a real night's rest after being tied to a chair all night."   Elinari would snort as the others rose to leave. "As if you haven't been there before."   "Yes, but the ropes were made of silk and my captors then were much, much prettier. Now, shoo!"

The Preamble

"Are you sure this is a smart idea?"   "Which part?" A'lar would inquire as he looked over a map.   "Well, any of it, really." Elinari would respond before clarifying. "But, specifically you going to some unknown meeting in territory belonging to the violent activists."   The amethyst half dragon would offer one of his roguish grins, clearly enjoying the thought. "It is exciting, isn't it?"   "Or a death trap." Bliss would mutter as she studied the map.   "You both worry too much in this early stage." He'd answer as he tapped his lip in thought.   "Well if you die I-" Bliss would begin before stopping abruptly. She glanced quickly at Elinari who was eyeing her with a raised eyebrow before continuing. "We would be out of work."   A'lar would glance over at her, amusement and understanding on his face. "You can come along if you're worried, Bliss. Elinari and Mummer will be keeping an eye out on the streets. And let's say Garr and Gwen with them for backup."   "What of the other...'Heroes of the Ary?' Will they be there?" Elinari would inquire, her tone dry at the title.   He'd shrug. "Perhaps. I'm not sure how they plan to be involved and I don't lead them. I can only point the Raven where I wish them to be."   The other two didn't respond to that, both seemingly lost in their own thoughts.   "In other news," Master Oakley would speak up from the other side of the table. "Your new priest stopped by earlier to inspect the sanctum."   "Oh? Was it to his liking?" A'lar would ask as the other two looked up interested at the topic.   The portly man would shrug some. "He seemed to be surprised that it was so well maintained I think. Seemed a bit less theatrical than you, though sounded similar sometimes when he spoke."   A'lar would chuckle at that. "Well, we were trained at the same Temple, though a bit apart. " He'd glance up to see Elinari watching him. "What?"   She'd offer a shrug. "You just don't talk much about that time is all."   He'd offer his own shrug back to her. "It was a long time ago. And I find the present and the future far more interesting to think about, don't you?"   She'd smirk. "Perhaps. These fellows you've fallen in from are interesting."   "Some of them dangerous." Bliss would add.   "And that's why it's exciting." A'lar would respond, a glint of something in his eyes. "I expect you all to make nice with our new cleric. He will be joining us in these chats going forward."   "He's in the know?" The other half dragon would inquire.   "He at least understands what a Fate Scribe is, if nothing else."   "And Lirien?" Bliss would query. "Will she be joining us again?"   "I hope so. But, it's up to her to-"   "To choose her own Path" Oakley and Elinari would interrupt in tandem and laugh.   A'lar would frown and look to Bliss who almost appeared to smirk. "Am I getting predictable?"   "No. You're just a bard who likes performing the same song a few times a week."   The half dragon would frown more, before laughing at himself and offering them a grin "Yes, well. I will endeavor to be more unpredictable with you in the future."   The two laughing suddenly seemed to be second guessing their previous humor at his expense.

The Aftermath

A'lar lounged in his favorite chair in the First Step's private sitting room. He was flipping a medal in his hand, his legs kicked up over one of the arm rests. "You have to admit, it was masterfully done."   "Can't argue with that," Elinari said from her own chair, swirling some wine in a glass. "She's Councilor for a reason. Wrapped you all up next to her cause with a pretty bow."   The amethyst half dragon grinned at her at that, placing the medal back around his neck. "It doesn't change much, even with the little back door to our minds she built into these."   A portly man reached up with a hand towel to wipe his forehead, having just joined them after closing the tavern. "These anti-dragonists are going out and butchering people with ogres. City thinking we're aligned with the Ary may bring us trouble from them."   Elinari waved her hand dismissively. "We can distance ourselves easily enough 'til we have a better feel for the politics."   Roark put his towel away. "Distance? Didn't I hear Clover and Gaelyn talking about how they had been spotted following the other heroes of the hour?"   They both looked back towards A'lar. "Hmm?" He asked innocently as if he hadn't been paying attention.   Elinari's eyes narrowed. "Wait, I thought you were just curious or playing an angle. You mean to stick with this group that went into the hatchery? Why?"   The amused half dragon seemed to be considering an answer when a quiet and low voice spoke. "Because it's starting."   The other two turned towards the small moon elf who has been brooding over against the wall. Bliss stared back at them, her face passive, but her town implying they should know better. They seemed confused before Elinari's eyes widened briefly. She turned to once again narrow her eyes at A'lar.   "The discordance? You think it's happening."   He took a moment to answer, his eyes staring off into the distance as if measuring something. "The threads are starting to appear. To intertwine. Still too far off to see where they lead, but I believe this group will play a part. So I plan to wait with them and see."   Roark looked back and forth between the two half dragons and moon elf before shaking his head some and standing. "Well, reckon my job doesn't change much either way. But, if you're gonna be poking hornet's nests I suspect you should hire some more guards. But, the missus will be needing me." He'd give a head bob to them and off to the side before exiting the room.   Elinari had been watching A'lar closely since he spoke, causing him to grin back at her. "Yes, Eli?"   "I assume you want me to keep having my people look into them?"   "If you don't mind. Be polite, though. Just a general interest to see how their paths are going for now. If the temple guard gives you issues, back off. He made some noise about violence."   Her eyes narrowed again, causing him to roll his. "Yes, yes. Tell them not to take chances. Play it safe."   That seemed to mollify her, as she toasted her wine glass and finished it off in one gulp. "Honestly the security captain and elf working for your sister worry me more. We'll keep our distance and have a light touch." She'd leave without any other words.   Bliss watched the other two exit before turning her purple eyes onto A'lar. "How soon?"   "When it's time, of course." He'd reply with a smile that seemed far more sincere than the ones he normally threw around. The somber woman nodded at that and walked to the door. She'd stop as she opened it, turning to look back at A'lar. Her eyes moving pointedly to the fifth chair before back to him. With her message sent, she'd exit and close the door behind her.   A'lar would chuckle looking over to the elven woman who had sat quietly up until then. "Don't mind, Bliss. She just worries for my safety is all."