Alasune Species in Era of Ecstasy and Darkling | World Anvil
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The Alasune creatures are not a dans ger to anyone and are not endangered   The symbol of the Alasune to the Mystic City is ambition and fairness,guidance, and protection.

Basic Information


The Alasune is a body of a fox with wings.   The Alasune has four legs and two fox shaped pointed ears and also a long nose. The small wings on their backs.

Biological Traits

the life expentancy is up to 14 years. living past 14 years is rare but not too rare. 14 years means its teenager age not an elder age

Genetics and Reproduction

The process of reproduction is that when they are pregnant they go into hibernation. The othe times that they are hibernating is when there are certain seasons. The hibernate during the winter.

Growth Rate & Stages

The grow but they still stay small.

Ecology and Habitats

the habitat of the Alasaune is that the animal lives in the forest and around water. The Alasune lives in the Mystic City in the forest of Whimsical Royal Forest and Moonlight River.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The dietary needs of the Alasune it eats plants. The hunting process of the Alasune is that it flies in the air looking for the plants and flies down to eat, the way that they store food for later is that they gather the food holding on it with their mouth and flies or prances back to their home.

Biological Cycle

The Alasune sheds their fur in the summer. In the Winter the Alasune go into hibernation in their mushroom home.

Additional Information


The domestication of the Alasune is not wild but is not domesticated either. it is a mix of both. The Alasune picks their owner. How are they tamed? they are tamed with training with their person that is their companion.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The species being used is used for their mischievous behavior because they are small

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Asalune lives at the place were the supernatural people live. They live at Mystic City

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  Baby foxes are unable to see, walk or thermoregulate when they are born  
The species has small slanted eyes the shape of almonds. The small pupils allowd them to hunt at night as they do during the day with their night vision  
Asalune uses sense of smell in multiple ways. The ways that they use their sense of smell is detecting where their food at night. They have glands in their body that produces scent markings.  
The alasune having wing and they can fly in the sky.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
14 years
Conservation Status
The Asalune is not endangered.
Average Height
8 inches
Average Weight
2-3 pounds.
Average Length
12” to “16 inches long.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The coloring of Alasune can be muliple coats but the most common one in Mystic City is black fox coat.
Geographic Distribution
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Jul 8, 2023 15:46

Great article but looks like you have an unclosed bbcode somewhere which is making the sidebar at the bottom instead of at the top of the article

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