Thavius Kreeg Character in Era of Bhaal | World Anvil
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Thavius Kreeg

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Not much is known publicly of Thavius Kreeg, as he was a mid level priest of Torm during its darkest days. It wasn't until 1444, when the town was conquered by a vampire lord that brought his name into the history books. Kreeg united all the religions of the city, the Lathandarans, Amanatourans, Tormites, Bane's followers, Tyrists, etc to beseech their gods. Once all joined in prayer at once, the Companion arrived and saved them.   In the sky over Elturel, a radiant sphere called the Companion appeared, blazing like a second sun. The Companion bathed Elturel and the surrounding countryside in holy light which sent the vampire lord scrambling for the shadows and laid waste to his undead army. Thavius Kreeg, who was given credit for uniting the religions leading to the summoning of the Companion, was hailed as the savior of the city and rose to become its high overseer. Under Kreeg’s decades-long rule, Elturel embarked on a path to becoming not just a holy city but the holy nation of Elturgard.
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