Valefoot Tower Building / Landmark in Epidotra | World Anvil
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Valefoot Tower

Purpose / Function

The tower was originally built as a watchtower, however the purpose has since changed to protecting an artifact - Leorigina Vexun Bauble.

Special Properties

The bottom of the tower is concealed in tall mist, almost giving the appearance of floating. This is where the name "Valefoot" came from.


After the Stormplains invasion in the Origin Age, the Ithonic people repurposed this tower to be a defensible container of the Leorigina Vexun Bauble, and would become guarded. As time went on, less and less security measures were held in place.   In the Platinum Age, year 1508, the bauble was stolen by Adela Downshard using what she had learnt by studying the language of Ancient Ionan.
Alternative Names
Yawa Mynashya (Ihana), Pyller Valeshya (Ancient Ionan)
Owning Organization


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