City of Tempana Settlement in Epidotra | World Anvil
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City of Tempana


In the early Platinum Age, Tempana constructed the first airship - a flying boat powered by Wind magic. It would become first of many, as the rest of the Hallowed Dominion would use these to efficiently carry vast amounts of cargo from place-to-place.


Despite the density of the city and the vibrancy of its colours, there's a sense of calm and tranquillity that permeates the air. It's as if Tempana is a city that's at peace with itself, a place where people can go to forget their troubles and find joy in the little things.


The city's buildings are described as fancy and filled with personality, made of varying materials and colours. The outer walls are tough and dull, made to look defensible, but upon viewing beyond the walls people find themselves within a dense cluster of colour. Some buildings are made of white marble, while others are made of red brick or grey stone. There are buildings with wooden facades, and others that are adorned with colourful tiles.   The streets are narrow and winding, and it's easy to get lost in the maze of alleys and byways that crisscross the city. But that's part of Tempana's charm - it's a place that rewards exploration and discovery. As you wander through the streets, you'll notice that each building seems to have its own personality, its own story to tell. There are buildings with towers that reach towards the sky, while others are adorned with intricate carvings and decorations. The roofs are sloped and tiled, and some buildings even have gardens on their upper levels, filled with colourful flowers and fragrant herbs.
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