Arrgath Jungles Geographic Location in Epidotra | World Anvil
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Arrgath Jungles


The jungles of Erellon are the most dangerous places on Epidotra's surface, with Arrgath's being no exception. The region has layers of plateaus, canyons, and sheer cliffs, combined with thick flora and trees making it hard to see; one wrong step and you could be falling to your death. The jungles are a thick ring around a wasteland that contains Arrgath Capital in the centre, with the only safe passageways being Pathkeeper Riki's arcane tunnels - which span for hundreds of kilometres.

Fauna & Flora

Many carnivorous monsters and plants live in these jungles, including Nekums. All living things in the Arrgath Jungles are carnivorous and have evolved to kill, even the flora, which can range from Trapdoor Roses - half-buried in the ground awaiting creatures to fall in - to Slingertraps - large flowers hanging from tree branches with sticky vines that dangle and ensnare unsuspecting animals.

Natural Resources

Rosewood trees grow in the jungles, and are used to create some of the most valuable wooden furniture in Epidotra.


No human had ever created a settlement in the jungles until 2209 Origin Age, when Arrgath Hold was constructed, which would eventually become Arrgath Capital in 2203 OA.
Owning Organization


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