Off to Kill a Wyvern Plot in Eorldom of Gar | World Anvil
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Off to Kill a Wyvern

611 AU, Taurdag (3rd day) in the Second Galend of Ebrild (day 133 of the year, 3rd day of Sword in the month of the Horse Dragon Isles calendar)   The PCs set off down the road towards Leon wishing that their friend Thordor was coming on this trip. Thordor had been reminded by Eorl Barsim that her responsibilities lie with ensuring the efficent working of the smelters in Banswulfsburn, so she had returned there.   Once the stop at their now familiar Inn at the cross roads of Leon Way and the trail to Caer Haldras. When they enter the Inn and are about to set down to a meal they meet their friend Thordor! They get caught up and meanwhile Llied asks about the room to see what people are saying about the Wyvern. The locals can only pass on what they have heard and its a mixture of fantasy and possible facts.   The PCs continue on down the road to Leon and stop by Clodagh's parents Inn. Stay for a night and celebrate Llied birthday. They all have fun until one of them tries to make off with a small cask of beer. Clodagh stops this and they move on to other entertainment.   The next day the come into Leon. Gwen had read in the Barsim College of Light Library that Wyverns are poisonous and so Clodagh was convinced that she would be able to make an antidote if they could only find all of the ingredients she needs. So Gwen went to the College of Light while the others went to various apothecaries to find what Clodagh needed.   As Gwen looked in the Library and other places the other group had made its way around several of the apothecaries but was still missing some ingredients. So Clodagh decided to go to one last place in the Brambles.   They had no more then made one turn on the twisty streets that most people of Leon do not dare to go to when several members of the Thieves guild as well as the 'old man' himslef Volopeter stops them. There were two people in front and one person coming from each of the adjoining alleys as well as a person from behind. Volopeter walks up to Clodagh and demands retribution for the dead guild members. Clodagh reminds 'the old man' that they tried to kill her first. Fair enough he says but you are still in arrears for your dues, 'several months worth' he says, and begins to eye her up especially her sword.   Volopeter suggests the the sword will be sufficent payment but Clodagh refuses. Fine he says as he begins to walk away; then he nods to the men and they attack. The battle, in broad daylight causes everyone in the street to scatter, caught somewhat off guard, the party begins to deal with the attackers despite being out numbered. The fight goes back and forth for a couple of rounds until first Flarty, then Clodagh and lastly Llied deal with the Thieves. Then Flarty takes off down the road to chase after Volopeter, quickly followed by Clodagh. They tackle him and quickly kill him. They find an amulet around his neck and take it. They also drag all of the bodies into the alleys.   Running back to "The Whispering Pope" they get both Gwen and Uoret, who was guarding their horses and the saddle bags fill with their collected treasures and of course a wagon. The PCs gather up the bodies in the wagon; Gwen casts a 'Greater Cloak' on the bodies and they quickly run out the Welkan gate.   Once they are several miles out of Leon the PCs look for a place to bury the bodies. Uoret looks about and eventually suggests a spot off the road and in a grove of trees. They are about 1/2 mile into the trees and begin to dig a hole when the PCs notice a group of men several hundred yards off gathered around a dark structure. They advance to investigate and its revealed to be a group of Charcoalers about to fire up their next batch of charcoal. Once everyone calms down the PCs go back to their wagon and retreat back closer to the road where they dig a hole for the dead Thieves and continue on their way towards Caer Welkan.   Along the way to Welkan the gather rumours but the best information they find is in the Village of Welkan itself where the locals tell of at least two Wyverns carrying off sheep and pigs and cows, as well as setting fire to a field and a house. With this information as well as the last known location of an attack the group set off in the morning towards the village of Arnee.   Once in the village the locals tell of the most recent attack and point towards the Jars forest which is where they claim it came from. That afternoon the PCs walk out from the village after leaving their horses with the local farmer. With heavy packs and food for a week they set off towards the Jars Forest, this time without a cow. The trip takes several days and as they get closer they spot a large cliff. On the night before their last day of walking towards the Forest they spot a Wyvern returning with something in its mouth. If flies to a spot high up on the cliff they have seen.   The next day they arrive at the base of the cliff and decide to take an approach up the left hand side of the cliff since it appears to be more gentle a climb. It takes them all day to climb the side of the approach. The cliff itself is close to a mile wide at the base and goes to over 1,000 feet high at its peak. The peak actually goes over 400 feet above the top of the escarpment proper and during the day Llied and Clodagh debate which way is the easiest climb.   Once they arrive at the top of the escarpment they decide to have a cold dinner and sleep for the night. Llied and Clodagh take another look at the peak and make plans for the morning's climb. In the morning Flarty dons his armour, from the sarcophagus as well as the sword from the Barrow. Llied and Clodagh ready themselves for the climb with Llied leading the way. Its a long climb but Llied makes it look simple and provides guidance and a steady hand to the PCs making what would to most be a crazy thing to do into a 'walk in the park'.   As dusk approaches the PCs gather themselves on a ledge just below where they know the Wyverns are and ready themselves for the coming battle.   Continues ... To Kill a Wyvern or Two or More oh My


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