Swamp Blood Condition in Eonus | World Anvil
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Swamp Blood

Transmission & Vectors

Swamp Blood is present in swamp water and swamp muck, the green scum that floats atop the water. It's fast acting and although highly unlikely to be transferred from creature to creature, it is still possible. Aside from the green scum that floats on top of the water in swamps, it can be given to animals, Demi-Human, Human and Elves with just as much ease.


The main cause of swamp blood is direct ingestion of swamp muck or eating from a plant or a fruit whose parent tree drank from swamp muck infested waters.


The main symptom is green blood and a painful stinging sensation beneath the skin. Once it enters the blood stream, it latches on and mutates blood into more of itself and creates a spiderweb effect throughout a person's body. From there, it'll mutate muscle and organs alike into more of itself causing rapid shut down of the body. When it reaches the eyes and brain, the victim tends to be either unconscious from shock or dead. The eyes will turn to a solid green substance and explode from pressure. When it finishes, the victim will be nothing more than fuzzy green goop and bone.   This whole process takes roughly ten to twenty minutes depending on how much contact with the disease there was


Swamp blood is widely recognized as an incurable disease due to how fast acting it is. It is impossible to keep a patient alive long enough to test possible cures


It is a fatal disease leaving the victim only minutes to realize their inevitable death.


Due to how fast acting it is and its lethality, there are no known side effects for any potential survivor. Theorists within the medicinal field suggest long term psychological damage, loss of limbs and/or functionality at and around the infection site. Should anyone miraculously survive, they'll most likely be wishing they hadn't.

Affected Groups

Anyone can be afflicted by Swamp Blood, however, Two species have shown resistance to it: The Lizard-kin and the Frolin.


The best way to avoid contraction of Swamp Blood is to avoid swamp and marsh areas as well as avoiding contact with any fluid that has it. Avoid sharing bodily fluids with the sick and touching corpses of the dead.


It can become an epidemic real fast as it only takes a touch of the infected to contract it.


Swamp blood was officially documented and recorded during the First Emporian Dominion around 2E 30. Before then, it was recognized as a magical element that was tied to bog witches and hags.   Conqueror Reman Fidelis succumbed to Swamp Blood after a failed assault on the Lizard-kin Island.

Cultural Reception

Contraction of Swamp Blood is deadly and the disease remains active as long as there is a presence of moisture. Because of this, any time there is an outbreak of it, whole towns are quarantined and the bodies are hastily burned. There are no Human, Demi-Human or Elves settlements in the swamp regions as well as the Froglik Island Chain.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species

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