Scav Profession in Enveon | World Anvil
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  Scavengers, otherwise known as "scavs" are individuals that eke out a living going through the most dangerous ruins of Haven Alpha for a variety of reasons, though most seek valuable salvage or information that they can then bring back to civilization to be sold for as many credits they can squeeze out of someone. Most scavs tend to live out on their own in unclaimed territories, preferring to remain independent of any one faction so as to maintain a wider client-base. Some scavs take on work through contractors, but such partnerships are based entirely on a contract-to-contract basis and a scav can break off said relationship any time they want, unlike mercs that bind themselves to a specific contractor, faction, or company in a more formal fashion.   Historically speaking scavs have always existed, but they were a much more necessary existence back when civilization was just starting to take root once more on Haven Alpha. Before more widespread manufacturing processes were available and resources could be properly produced, the Awakened had no other choice but to scavenge throughout the ruins to find what they needed. Nowadays, people can have a relatively normal life and find most of what they need within the confines of major cities, but scavs are still necessary when someone needs to find a more esoteric component that can't be manufactured or to start up a new settlement somewhere.   Scavs tend to be a very polarizing topic for most people; either they're viewed as brave individuals facing down the nightmares that can be found out in the ruins so that others don't have to, or they view them as untrustworthy vagabonds that live their lives out in the ruins due to shady, criminal reasons. Whilst some scavs are indeed criminals that have been exiled from society, many are actually just people that have simply lived out in the ruins their entire life, be it because their parents were also scavs or because of personal choice. Some are new Awakened that simply haven't found a place amongst society, and others are adventurous souls that want to see what's around every corner in Haven Alpha. No matter what their reason for living beyond the walls of society or what people think of them, almost all scavs are very dangerous individuals when they want to be; living out where the Necrilum roam is dangerous, and almost every scav that's ever lived has tales of near-death encounters with them.  


  Due to the varied nature of scavs, they don't tend to have any specific, discernable skill-set. In general, however, most scavs tend to be quite competent with a variety of weapons, and their survival skills tend to be quite sharp. Depending on the nature of the scav they could be highly skilled spotters, hackers, mechanics, or any other practical skill that one might need to delve into the deepest ruins of Haven Alpha.


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