Late King Germain Allistair Character in Entradia | World Anvil

Late King Germain Allistair

Continued his fathers work the Late King Eldgrim Allistair and became the first king of succession in Idoslanes history.

Once the kingdom could be considered stable, He managed to convince  start a joint construction of the Westvaults with the dwarfs to ensure the safekeeping of the Nightfort wall
Unfortunately later in his years he started to reach out to nearby territories for a more symbiotic relationship between the regions. He made sure that his son Lohgain would continue these important negotiations in the event of his passing.


Family Ties

Son of the Late King Eldgrim Allistair and father to the second king of succsession of Idoslane King Logæir Allistair.
Date of Birth
23 Decima
1555 PM 1636 PM 81 years old


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