Emparted Condition in Enthalpy | World Anvil
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Emparted are living beings with either robotic enhancements or a total conversion where their mostly machine. The emparted were originally for imported; however many other races and even dragons are able to become emparted through the means of contracts or currency. Compared to others, emparted are significantly different than any other species and are capable of using unique abilities thanks to their augments. Emparted are also granted an alternate blood infusion plus a replaced heart to help pump this blood automatically without it beating.  


Unlike any other species, emparted use body transformations for utility or weapons. Utility is based on community roles where as weapons are strictly defense and attacks.  


These utility emparted are strictly for construction, factories, investigation, and repairing.  


Combat involves a range of energy based melee, ranged, and charged spells.


It's been nearly 200 years since the merzosts sprouted and soon enough; most imported were wise to avoid becoming a cursed immortal being. This did not stop them from becoming from what you call a sudo immortal. Emparted were not so much as founded but introduced as an alternate means of becoming immortal.
Nanite / Mechanical

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