El Silverado Species in Enthalpy | World Anvil
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El Silverado

Those that live in the desert and rural areas of Aotis II stealing and causing trouble. Though the El Silverados are considered "cheap" when put to a position of work. Most who do are seen as cheap but El Silverados do not care and see it as a gift rather than being exploited for others gain. However when they are not in a position of work they will usually cause trouble unless instructed to not do so.   When around family they are not hostile but overprotective of kin.  


Vitality: 8   Brawn: 8   Finesse: 12   Zeal: 10   Insight: 6   Cleverness: 14   Tech: 0

Basic Information


Four legged creature that can also walk on two legs if need be. Has 4 fingers with long sharp claws that are tougher than merzost weapons. Skin like thick leather. Double jointed legs. Long snout and jaws. Eyes plain color with three eyelids.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They will eat anything including trash and rotted foods. Strangely El Silverados loves to consume blood and will often hoard it in containers just to drink it later.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Lot of wits but are easily exploited.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They are able to see in the dark and in daylight just fine. An extreme sense of smell and able to track just about anything. Very resistant to toxins and diseases.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Imported see them as exploited work drones that are cheaper than drakains and even robots.   Drakain who are from Land of Drakains often see them as someone to pity.    Merzost don't care about them.   Dragon will look at them as food. Unless instructed by an Imported to not eat the working class.
Genetic Descendants
40 years
Average Height
4 feet when standing upright.
Average Weight
140 lbs
Geographic Distribution

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