Salmhofer Organization in Enies - Adder Galaxy | World Anvil

Salmhofer (IPA: /salmhɔfə/)

Descendants of Riliane Salmhofer, one of the Companions.
  They have historically been very involved in the clergy and are recognizable by their blond hair and blue eyes.

Family members

Elman Salmhofer
Eleanor Salmhofer
Alexiel Salmhofer
Tony Salmhofer
Clarith Salmhofer
Asan Salmhofer
Lilith Salmhofer
Chartette Salmhofer
Nylpho Salmhofer
Vincent Salmhofer
Margaret Salmhofer
Psalmer of Hope
'salm' psalm (wel) - 'hoffnung' hope (ger) - '-er' a person or thing that does the action indicated by the root verb (eng)