Isles of Libertide Geographic Location in Endimia | World Anvil
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Isles of Libertide

The Isles of Libertide are a collection of beatiful lush islands surrounded by clear blue waters. The Archipelago has islands of many sizes ranging from small shifting sandbanks to large volcanos surrounded by dense sprawling jungles. It is home to several tribes of natives who have called the islands their home for millenia living in harmony with the land as well as the recently created outposts used by the foreign members of the Freebooter Syndicate who despite early conflict now live in peace and harmony with the local tribes who are protected under the Freebooter's Code. The islands and around surrounding waters are loosely subdevided and governed by the The Seven Corsair Kings moreso for the sake of practicality and share of responsibility than actual borders though while in another king's teritory any crew of the other king's ought to regard that king's command as if it were their own unless conflicting with previous orders.


The climate of the archipelago is veryy tropical year round which does come with extreme tropical storms to offset the usual warm sunny days the area enjoys

Fauna & Flora

The Flora and Fauna varies highly from island to island though many islands share coconut and banana trees, ferns and cattle which were propegated and spread by the indigenous tribes


Due to it's beauty but distinct lack of Industrial resources up untill recently the islands were home to small selfsufficient indiginous tribes which mainly interacted with each other, cooexisting with minimal conflict as well as small groups of stranded refugees or sailors who decided to make the islands their home due to the lack of interest of greater powers from the mainland as well as the treacherous reefs surrounding the area.
With the sharp increase in seafaring technology and organizations capitalizing on this new frontier over the last century small smuggling outposts turned to towns and cities making it a dangerous, unlawfull place where anyone unarmed stands the risk of falling prey to the outlaws roaming the archipelago also resulting in the decline of the native populations as many were killed or enslaved.
This however came to a stop when the @freeb was established resulting in the protection of the lands and rights of all it's citizens including the natives
Alternative Name(s)
Verdant Isles, Yurara Quetlalli
Location under
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Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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