Mudlung Condition in Endhaven | World Anvil
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Mudlung is a somewhat common disease in Sanctuary, characterized by excessive or strained breathing, hacking, wheezing, or sleep apnea in some cases. The most commonly-afflicted are elves, halflings, and gnomes, though Ashrenders of any race can easily acquire it as well. Smoking Spicemoss is the only accepted cure, but it must be smoked in careful amounts so the lungs do not clear all at once and suffocate the afflicted.


Mudlung is chiefly caused by inhalation of ash or smoke and water, culminating in an accumulation of muck in the lungs and trachea. This can eventually lead to chronic bronchitis and gradual suffocation if left untreated over the course of several years.


The only known and widely-accepted for mudlung, other than prevention, is smoking racomitrium, or spicemoss. The substance can easily make its way through the built-up debris in the lungs and push it out of the afflicted. However, due to spicemoss' strength, it is recommended that small doses gradually be taken to prevent all the muck from exiting at once and possibly suffocating the afflicted.


To prevent contracting mudlung, most citizens that can stay away from ash fields should. For ashrenders, a damp cloth over the mouth and nose is recommended during work.


Mudlung was relatively hard to acquire before the Calamity, usually only contracted by heavy smokers in humid regions. In Sanctuary, however, many early Survivors fell to the disease after ashrending was started near homes. Today, most ashrenders or travelers near ash fields now know to protect themselves.

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