10M Prompt-1 in Endhaven | World Anvil
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10M Prompt-1

Your main character and the side character (if you don't have any or you don't want to use them come up with some) are sitting in a vehicle . Suddenly the vehicle breaks down. Write the interaction and behaviour between the two characters. Show who these people are and how they act while keeping it within this context.   Chris wipes his brow while Krita pokes her head out of the window. "How are things coming along?" she asks. "About as well as that pot roast you served yesterday," he replies, checking under the hood once more. "You know I can probably sue you for food poisoning." "If we don't get off this road before sunset I can sue you for... uh..." Krita stammers, racking her brain. Chris chuckles. "You had the response going well, but you need to think quicker. If you can't come up with something creative, just make it something." He continues cluelessly poking around the engine block for a few more seconds before he hears a "no you" from inside the carriage. "Well, that's something, I guess." "No you!" Krita lapses into a small fit of giggles as Chris shakes his head and returns to the motor, trying to hide a slight smile that has crept upon his face. It doesn't last long, as he spots the problem and drops a curse below his breath. Krita jumps out of the carriage and goes to Chris. "What's wrong?" "It looks like we've been running on arcagen fumes for the past few miles. We'll need a new batch if we want to make it to Yuma before sundown." "Pfft. It took you 15 minutes of looking around the interior to tell you we're out of fuel?" "Well, I didn't exactly see you jumping to the task of figuring out what was wrong. You were too busy with your shiny new nerd tome." "Hey," she weakly replies, "we just picked it up in that last tomb. I just wanted to flip through and see if it could help protect us, or prevent any more curses from coming upon us." Chris looks away and scratches the back of his neck. "Right, sorry..." A silence falls between the pair for a long moment before Chris breaks it, looking over to the carriage. "I suppose we should get this thing out of the road first before it gets trampled." Krita only gives a quiet nod before jumping inside and guiding it off the path.

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