Moons of Enatyr Geographic Location in Enatyr | World Anvil
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Moons of Enatyr

The planet has three moons with orbits of 26.5, 66.25 and 119.25 days or a 1:1 5:2 9:2 phase system. These orbits align exactly every 209358,28125 days or ~581.5 years.  


This moon orbits closest to the planet and is the brightest of the three moons. Almost completely white ice, its surface is finely webbed with darker veins.


The second moon is the largest object in the sky, the size of earth's moon. It has a system of rings around it. A large crater darkens the otherwise blueish surface. Some scholars claim it is evidence of an asteroid impact which resulted in the ring system.


The third moon is located far from the planet and small in the sky. It is darkly colored, grey/green depending on height and angle it is observed at. When full, it is often a deep emerald green and visibly covered in small bright spots from asteroid impacts, which are more difficult to observe during other phases of its orbit.
Planetoid / Moon


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