Mulbrod'ach Settlement in Empire of Auberlonge | World Anvil
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Mulbrod'ach, an orc city that stands as a testament to raw power and unbridled strength, is a brutal citadel where violence is both an art form and a path to dominance. From the thunderous echoes of fighting pits to the shadowy corners where assassinations for power unfold, Mulbrod'ach is a relentless crucible where orcs forge their destiny through sheer might.   The very architecture of Mulbrod'ach exudes the essence of orcish dominance. Towering structures of rough-hewn stone, adorned with bone and metal, rise defiantly against the skyline. Colossal statues of legendary orc warriors, captured in eternal battle poses, flank the city's entrances, serving as both symbols of strength and warnings to those who dare to tread within.   At the heart of Mulbrod'ach lies the Arena of Champions, a colossal amphitheater where orcs prove their mettle in blood-soaked battles. Roaring crowds cheer as combatants clash, and the victorious earn not only glory but the right to ascend in the ruthless hierarchy of orc society. The arena's architecture mirrors the brutality of its contests, with spires adorned with the mounted heads of legendary adversaries.   The city sprawls with fighting pits, each a chaotic battleground where orcs engage in primal combat for the sheer joy of proving their strength. Surrounding these pits are taverns that echo with the boisterous laughter of warriors, the clinking of tankards, and the recounting of heroic deeds and brutal victories.   Mulbrod'ach's hierarchy is a brutal ladder of strength. Orc leaders, adorned in crude but imposing armor, reside in towering strongholds at the city's pinnacle. The strongest among them claims the throne, and challenges to leadership are settled in one-on-one combat within the Arena of Champions.   Vengeance killings and assassinations are commonplace in Mulbrod'ach, viewed not as crimes but as expressions of dominance. Dark alleys conceal shadowy figures negotiating the price of blood, and the city's leadership is often a product of cunning assassinations and ruthless power struggles.   Mulbrod'ach's forges are a cacophony of clanging metal and roaring fires. Orcish smiths, masters of forging weapons that embody the essence of brutality, craft weapons and armor that reflect the city's unforgiving ethos. Weapons are not just tools but extensions of an orc's prowess in the relentless pursuit of strength.   Throughout Mulbrod'ach, the air resonates with the rhythmic beats of war drums, echoing both the city's martial spirit and signaling events of significance. The drums are not just instruments but a pulse that drives the city forward, each beat a reminder of the relentless pursuit of power