Ellondra Tallond Character in Emoa | World Anvil
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Ellondra Tallond

Captain Ellondra Tallond

Sharp tongued and Carefree, Captain Ellondra prides herself on the vessel she rides amongst the unforgiving seas. A pirate that stands to work hard and drink harder; she travels the sea hunting down spirits and fighting along side her crew.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into the noble Tallond family in the city of Ulmel, Velenia. Ellondra was the younger of two siblings being the only daughter. She was raised to be a proper lady, one that would follow orders to be a perfect wife and mother one day. Her wild and carefree personality being shoved back to be the perfect daughter that her parents hoped for.   Her older brother was the one to inherit their trading business, begin taught how the fundamentals that would go hand in had with it. all the while Ellondra spent years of her life on education, etiquette lessons and hours spent in church, she slowly became numb to being the person she wanted to become.   As she began to reach the age of maturity, the topic of marriage began to come up more often to her. Soon it came to being told that she was to have an arranged marriage and that they were looking to the possible candidates in the country. Days turned to weeks as more and more offers came to the house, many families wanting to merge their wealth with that of the esteemed traders.   Fed up with the harsh realties of not being able to make her own decisions in life, Ellondra packed up her things and snuck out, leaving her title behind. She travelled on horse back for days before reaching the docks in Eynor where she hopped aboard one of her families vessels. She didn't have too much of a plan from there, knowing that females weren't allowed upon the ships in her families name unless companied by a man of the family. She was quick to strategize a plan, claiming that she would be off to see on of her suitors up north, an that she was going alone do to business inland.   After a few weeks travel form shore, Ellondra dropped the act she had been playing, taking one of the blades off a crew member and placing it at her own throat. Threatening her own life if the crew were to take her back home. None wanting to lose their own lives do to the daughter of their boss loosing hers, they did as told; teaching her the ways of the ship that she eventually took the position of captain of. officially renaming her vessel 'The Sea's Phantom'.


Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
Aziel 19th
Crimson Large, Rounded
Long, beach waved Dirty blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White


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