Ashe Character in Emoa | World Anvil
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Mistress Ashe

Striking many with her natural beauty, she began to further enhance that is the way she speaks and acts.   The owner of the Moonlite Memories she continues to make a name for her self in the large city of Strarun. Her brothel brings new standards to the courtesan world, high class escorts and fine alcohol; many enter the tavern just for the experience that few can actually afford.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ashe had grown up in the Elkstom tribe, raised there by the tribe as many others that are brought in by children are. Ashe lived a happy life there but always felt as though she was missing something within it. When she had finally gone out on her journey she truly began to understand the rest of the world and was enthralled within it.   She had made her way back to the tribe to inform them that she would be heading out and they would always have somewhere to stay on their journeys if they needed it.   From there she had made her way back to Strarun to begin the start of her business Moonlite Memories.


Ashe had begun her journey as a simple druid from the forest but soon began to work for a woman named Madam Elaine. Here she worked and helped the women that worked there prepare and clean themselves before and after the night of work.      After saving a large some of her earnings, she had decided that she would make her own place of business that was sought after by high paying customers.
True Neutral
Current Location
Date of Birth
Irah 21st, X693
Year of Birth
693 30 Years old
Current Residence
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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