Wicka Ethnicity in Emicara | World Anvil


The Wicka tribe were at one point said to be the first among equals within the Sypi Confederacy. The leaders of the Confederacy typically hailed from the Wicka tribe and they were respected among all for both diplomatic and martial achievements. Many of the great wonders and artifacts of the Confederacy were forged by Wicka craftsmen who preserved and enhanced the relics of old. Their reputation has since fallen, as they relaxed on their laurels and achieved very little. Most of the other tribes consider the Wicka slow to act and too ponderous these days to make a decision in the time it needs to be made, which reflects upon its people.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Marama, Poto, Anahera, Pipi, Aku, Oie, Makuku, Mere, Uruau, Atamari

Masculine names

Tuna, Maaka, Raione, Taipo, Wa, Otikoro, Ahera, Rongo, Tama, Tipene

Family names

Karaka, Tipene, Topia, Pekama, Wihone, Arono, Akarana, Witika, Akarana, Wirihana


Major language groups and dialects

The Wicka once had their own language, brought with them from lands far to the west of the giants. These words have long since disappeared, and have been replaced with Common. Common is the preeminent tongue spoken among Wicka, from years of trade and commerce with the kingdoms of the Circle Sea. Some of the words occasionally used by the elders are spoken with accents reminiscent of the ways they have lost, but they are only somewhat distinct from Common itself.

Art & Architecture

The Wicka used to produce some of the finest magical artifacts and items throughout the world through the power of blood magic. These abilities have been lost for well over two centuries, but some of the artifacts remain. The Wicka's current artwork and studies are typically homages to the glories of the past, and rarely focus upon the present. Both Wofslar and Burrow are built in line with Wicka architecture, which unlike more "civilized" peoples is rounder in shape. Many homes are in appearance wooden yurts, built with a circular shape around a central fire pit. This design has been influential throughout the entire Sypi Confederacy, and many of the other tribes' tents are designed in similar style.


Gender Ideals

Though they are not as strict as those in more civilized lands, the Wicka do believe that there are someone express roles for men and women alike in society. This only really comes to play in wartime, as the Wicka believe that women are unsuitable as warriors. Women are not allowed to participate in battle, but they are allowed in nearly any other component of society. The only place this is excepted is among the very few women who have studied the ways of magic. They are allowed to use their abilities to support in wartime, whether as healers or in combat.

Relationship Ideals

The Wicka people believe very firmly that there should be unity among all men of the Confederacy. They believe that anyone can become friends with enough effort, but that anyone who is made an enemy should be swiftly destroyed. At least, that's what they tell themselves. In reality, many Wicka have a hard time committing to relationships, and often spend much time reflecting upon the past, rather than looking towards a future relationship. As with many of the culture's other traits, it is mired in nostalgia for the glory days of old.
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