Vovoi Organization in Emicara | World Anvil


The Vovoi are a collection of families based out of Pegrama involved in organized crime. They fight each other and the lawful authorities for dominance and influence, frequently revolving around the drug trade out of the Shin Empire and Sypi Confederacy. Still, they also remain highly active in other criminal operations such as unlicensed gambling and prostitution. Mind altering drugs and chemicals are illegal in Alsona, and numerous dens are operated where people can buy and use these chemicals to their heart’s desire. The Vovoi consist of three major families, and a host of minor ones that pay tribute to the three primary ones. These families are the Karahalios, the Panagoupolus, and the Miras.


The Vovoi, despite the belief of outsiders, is not a single unified force. Each of the three families maintains their own interests and goals. Often they conflict and street fights and assassinations are the result. Each family has a clear head, or matriarch, that oversees the rest of their allies. These three matriarchs form the Council of Underqueens, who meet in great secrecy once a year to discuss maintaining relations and preventing devastating conflicts. Otherwise, there is no coherent organization or standardization to the Vovoi as a whole.


The Vovoi are best known for their code of silence, and anyone who reveals the secrets and identities of those within the families is often marked for death. The Vovoi show very little mercy to those who oppose or attack them, and are known as perhaps the most ruthless cartel of criminals in all of Emicara. While they are known as being fractious amongst themselves, with infighting and disputes not uncommon, they will readily unify against any outside force that threatens to enter into Alsona itself. They have in the past entered into harsh conflicts with the Hidden Tribe in the Sypi Confederacy, and various movements of dwarves to organize their own underground organizations outside of the Apps.    To the people of Alsona, the Vovoi offer a chance for a life outside of the regimented nature of society. Many men find it a place to escape the matriarchy and to forge out their own destinies and wealth through brute force. The Vovoi is also known to give back to the community, sponsoring festivals and providing income and wealth to small business owners that toe the line and support the various rackets they operate. In smaller towns this has led to great popularity and respect for the Vovoi, but in larger towns with more professional law enforcement, the Vovoi are often more brutal and feared more than loved.
Illicit, Syndicate
Related Ethnicities


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