Oireachtach Muireasa Character in Emicara | World Anvil

Oireachtach Muireasa

High Dalesman Oireachtach Muireasa

Oireachtach Muireasa is the Dalesman of the town of Baldwin, and the High Dalesman of the Dale of the Mersan Union. As a child he was born to a fairly wealthy middle class family of merchants, who were able to pay for a proper education with eyes upon him taking up the family business. Instead, he showed an interested in the clergy of the Church of Keshush. He soon found his way into the ranks of the church, and became an acolyte and eventually a priest, with Saint Namalri as his patron saint.    Oireachtach was an effective cleric, but he soon discovered through the course of duties, vast corruption in the political office of mayor of Baldwin. Exposing the mayor and those who had bribed him, even from his own family, cost him much, but gained Oireachtach love from the masses. Despite being a clergyman, he was encouraged to take up political duties, and even leaders within the Church itself suggested he run for office. In 1024 he was elected the Dalesman of Baldwin, and sent to represent the town in the Dale. While working in the Dale, he established a reputation as being incorruptible, and constantly seeking to prevent anything from undermining the Union.    These efforts led to his rise through the ranks of the Dale, even above those with greater seniority. Popular among all sides of the aisles in the Dale, he was selected as the High Dalesman in 1040, becoming the main spokesperson and tiebreaker for debates. He has pledged to use his new office to root out any further corruption in both the Dale and the Mersan government, keeping the democracy pure.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
High Dalesman of the Mersan Union Dalesman of Baldwin
Date of Birth
Newfeast 27, 998
Year of Birth
998 AF 43 Years old
Aligned Organization


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