Liba Ethnicity in Emicara | World Anvil


The Liba people of the Sypi Confederacy are some of the most isolated people in the world. Their tribe is small and highly mobile, avoiding contact with the majority of other tribes, and rarely trade with others. The primary location of their encampment is a closely guarded secret, and when they travel, they travel in small family groups rather than a single cohesive tribe like the others in the Confederacy. They rarely speak anything other than their tribe's own secretive language, and few understand or know what mysteries the Liba could be protecting as they never marry outside of the tribe or invite anyone in.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Nikolina, Elisaveta, Sashka, Frosina, Suzana, Cvetanka, Jasmina, Duska, Lidija, Jagoda

Masculine names

Vlado, Kliment, Georgi, Dušan, Metodi, Dzvonko, Antonij, Spiro, Teodor, Todor

Family names

As with most Sypi Confederate tribes, the Liba people rarely bother with family names. They rarely deal with external powers and nations, and when they do, they simply use the Liba surname for any business that needs to be conducted.


Major language groups and dialects

The Liba speak a language of their own that is incredibly distinct from all other tongues. They never teach the language to outsiders, under any circumstances, no matter what services they may have performed. Most Libas are also education in Common, allowing them to trade and negotiate with other tribes with some degree of effectiveness.

Art & Architecture

The Liba's main forms of architecture known to most of the tribes revolve around the very tidy and sophisticated tents they bring out while wandering. Unlike other tribes, they typically use smaller tents for couples or individuals, rather than large family-size tents. Unlike other tribes, however, the Liba actually do have a permanent settlement, hidden deep within the woods of the Sypi Confederacy. Its location is a heavily guarded secret, and based on the stories that have been told, it's a bit of a architectural masterpiece. Stories claim that the Liba stronghold is built deep within a canyon, and shielded from detection by magical runes left behind by the Nameless Empire. Their buildings have facades carved into the cliff sides, while the homes themselves delve deep into the earth.


Gender Ideals

The Liba people are highly egalitarian in their gender roles throughout their society. There are no restrictions on what jobs and options a person might perform within the confines of the tribe. When negotiating with other tribes however, the Liba are very much aware of different views on gender issues. To that end, every traveling family unit always nominates one male and one female to act as spokespeople to various other tribes and governments, depending on the situation.

Relationship Ideals

Libas typically believe in monogamous relationships and the importance of family. The greatest relationship a Liba has however, is with the tribe. They seek out constantly the validation and support of their tribe members, and a Liba can always trust another Liba to help when they are in need. The harshest thing that can happen is if a Liba betrays the tribe. Very few have ever been verified to have done so, and stories tell of harsh punishments and foul monsters that stalk those who abandon their people.
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