Ifigenia Frangou Character in Emicara | World Anvil

Ifigenia Frangou

Elevated General Ifigenia Frangou

Ifigenia Frangou was born in a small village near the trading post and fort of Zachari Crossing. She was raised among a family of farmers and unwilling to follow in that lifestyle. When she was only sixteen she ran away from home and headed across the Long Road to the Kingdom of Recfrere. In her adventures, she learned to make a living as a guard, but stumbled on a stroke of luck when her caravan found an abandoned treasure hoard belonging to a fallen dwarven kingdom in the Apps. Her share of the treasure was enough to secure a decent standard of living for the rest of her life. Instead, while traveling upon the river barges of Recfrere, she found a love for boats and ships. She decided to pay her own way through the Whitemarsh College of the Seas.    Frangou spent five years in courses learning the art of naval trading and warfare, but she ended up with a proficiency for marine actions. Her graduation from the College enabled her to obtain a position as a marine captain in the Recfreran fleet, and she proceeded to distinguish herself over ten years of service in battles against raiders from the Bahami Federation. Then the Opella War broke out between Recfrere and the Mersan Union. With the Recfrerans desperately needing front line caliber officers in the armies, she chose to leave the marines in favor of service with the ground forces, following a man she had fallen for.    Ifigenia was wounded three times during the course of the Opella War, and managed to distinguish herself more than nearly any other woman in the armed forces of Recfrere. Unfortunately, as an Alsonan in a foreign land, she was overlooked time and again for promotion and advancement, despite leading entire regiments into battle. When the war came to an end, she left the armed forces due to pregnancy, and she and her new family headed across the Long Road, west this time, on their way back to Alsona. Ultimately, their road came to an end when they purchased a town home in Parthenonas, and settled down into a semi-retired lifestyle.    In 1007 AF, after spending nearly twelve years in a familial bliss and retirement, Ifigenia was approached by Queen Miranda herself to take up a position in the royal levies. She had been recommended for her experience in the east, and her achievements within Recfrere. Frangou was given a mandate to reform the Queen's levies and bring them up to more professional standards. Having grown restless, Ifigenia took up the post, and began advocating for better weapons and training for those in Parthenonas, and she quickly became one of the most notable military women in the administration.    When the Wingo War broke out, Ifigenia was already over sixty-five years old. Nonetheless, she donned her armor and led the Queen's levies into the First Battle of Zachari Crossing. She witnessed firsthand when the aristocratic levies collapsed under the hammer blows of the dwarven and elven professional armies. The forces of Parthenonas were the only ones that survived the battle intact and withdrew in good order. While the Duchesses and Countesses of Alsona blamed Frangou for not supporting them properly, the true story known by everyone there was that Frangou saved the Alsonans from total annihilation. Therefore, Queen Miranda saw her as the obvious choice to head the newly formed Royal Army of Alsona.   During the majority of the Wingo War, Ifigenia spent most of her time in organization and administration, finding worthy generals and leaders to head up the armed forces. She attempted to hire as many local Alsonans as possible, but she was wise enough to bring in dwarven advisers from the east to assist in developing tactics and sophisticated weaponry. Once the war ended, she continued these duties, and has aged greatly in the process. Today, she has delegated most of her responsibilities to her subordinates as Elevated General, and rumors abound that she is already looking for a young successor before she retires once again.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Elevated General of the Royal Army of Alsona
Date of Birth
Rainburst 4, 955
Year of Birth
955 AF 86 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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