Gibber Ethnicity in Emicara | World Anvil


The Gibber people are one of the most enigmatic within the Sypi Confederacy. Unlike the other Confederate tribes, the Gibbers believe heavily in the value of stealth, secrecy, and espionage. They are barely trusted by the other clans and tribes, but tolerated due to their skills and abilities. Th Gibbers place great spirituality and faith in the power of magic, and they are masters of illusion, training with each other for decades, and the eldest of them are easily the most powerful. The Gibbers are said to have traveled from the west, much like the Dorszalmen tribes, but they have kept their own distinct identity, and many of their rituals and ways are kept secret from the other tribes.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Altsoba, Shimasani, Anaba, Dezba, Doli, Shima, Ooljee, Tsiishch'Ili, Haloke, Niyol

Masculine names

Ata'Halne, Yas, Ahiga, Sani, Niichaad, Bidziil, Bilagaana, Beshiltheeni, T'Iis, Tahoma

Family names

As with most of the tribes and groups within the Sypi Confederacy, the Gibbers refrain from possessing familial names. They tend to give out their tribe name instead, when dealing with traders and merchants or traveling abroad. Within the tribal structure itself, however, the Gibbers tend to know each other solely by first name, but sometimes they will be given nicknames when they accomplish great feats or deeds that make them stand out. For Gibbers, names are flexible, and when one gains too much notoriety, it is often retired with the rest of the clan, or kept solely in the realm of legend.


Major language groups and dialects

The Gibbers originally spoke a variant of Giantic, but that has since changed as the Gibbers are the ones who have most enthusiastically embraced the Common tongue. They have found it to be immensely useful in spying upon other societies and learning their ways. Gibbers take great care in enunciation of Common words, in order to be the least observable as possible. They take pride in their exacting talent at speaking Common the way it was written, rather than with any distinct regional dialect or accent.

Art & Architecture

As with other nomadic tribes in the Sypi Confederacy, the Gibbers lack any distinct architecture of their own, residing in tents and huts that are temporary in nature. They lack any true artists or musicians of fame or note, as well. The Gibbers are skilled at staying unnoticed and without attracting attention and the pursuit of fame suits this nature very poorly. Some have found skilled artistry in the abilities of Gibber wizards and casters, who have proven masters at illusions, but they are rarely seen outside of their own tribal camps and performances.


Gender Ideals

The Gibbers are equal opportunity in advancement, far more egalitarian than any of the other tribes of the Sypi Confederacy. They offer advancement for men and women alike, and there are no restrictions upon any career choices or roles within the larger community. They are experts, however, at learning the gender roles of other societies and how to fit into them. The Gibbers take it upon themselves to live like others and learn their ways, adopting their roles in other cultures, so that they may one day be able to infiltrate if needed. Elders within the community always make sure that none of the families practicing with other cultures take it too far, and lose sight of the true nature of their people.

Relationship Ideals

Family and tribe alike are important to Gibbers. Families are the only people believed to be fully trusted, but the Gibber people place great power upon making friends outside of the tribe. A person with numerous friends and acquaintances outside of the Gibber sphere of life is a person with connections beyond the rest of his family. Enjoying time with others is simply a happy coincidence when it comes to being a gregarious Gibber.
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