Dorszalman Ethnicity in Emicara | World Anvil


The term Dorszalman refers to a variety of races that have emerged from or reside in the Giant Lands to the west, excluding the giants themselves. Several of the tribes within the Sypi Confederacy identify themselves as Dorszalmen, including the Nors and Lewites. It also refers to the humans and other creatures who live as slaves underneath the rule of the giants in the west, and the culture that they have developed over years of servitude. Even those who have been freed or escaped from captivity continue to have the traits of obedience and respect as their defining features. Dorszalmen have immense respect for anyone more powerful than they are, and are rarely interested in advancing beyond what they view as their assigned station. They treasure those who remain in their suited caste and part of society, and outliers and rogues are treated far more harshly than among other peoples.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Nathalie, Milla, Katarina, Viviana, Simona, Meja, Ulrika, Marie, Hedda, Smilla

Masculine names

Rasmus, Sam, Allan, Zakarias, Peter, Kjell, Ville, Viggo, Farman, Alexander

Family names

Malmberg, Angström, Wikström, Akerman, Ström, Hammarström, Palmstruch, Malmqvist, Lagerqvist, Lindahl


Gender Ideals

Gender roles are a fairly meaningless construct under the Dorszalmen. Regardless of whether you are male or female, you are expected to obey the orders of the head of the household or the tribe. Traditionally, the men are the heads of the house, but it is fairly common to see a female dominated homestead too. Duties are given out irregardless of gender and sex, and advancement through the rigid castes of a Dorszalman society can occur for anyone who puts in the hard work and labor.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships among Dorszalmen, whether they be friendships or marriages, almost always naturally assume a slave/master relation. One member of the partnership or group always emerges as a leader, who is followed unquestioningly. This is not viewed as a bad thing, but instead as a manner to preserve order, and this can still consist of a back and forth between members of a relationship, but the decision of the leader is always final.
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