Elves Species in Ember Myst | World Anvil


Racial Aspects:

Magical Elven Blood Elven light sleep  


Long tall and lanky. Elves have the classic slender frame and long pointed ears. Elves mature at a similar rate as humans reaching sexual maturity at around 20 years. However, Elves don't under go a aging senescence as they get older, a 90 year old elf is just as spry as a 20 year old. Elves are not immortal and diseases, violence and acts of god still can end their lives. Thus many Elves are very risk adverse. Yet low probability fatal events do happen, and any elves making it past their 200 hundredth birthday are considered very blessed. Elves also seem to have lots of energy and require very little sleep, which they can get while sitting up. Thus this leads to the belief that elves don't sleep and only have to enter a trance to rest.


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