The Fields of Frost Geographic Location in Emaxus | World Anvil
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- Brian

The Fields of Frost

Credits to Ilmari Kumpunen from Artstation for the awesome cover art!
The Fields of Frost are the furthest north and largest region of Drumis. In fact, no one knows for certain how far north these frost-bitten wastes reach; the seas become too icy and dangerous to scout the coast and the land becomes too frozen and inhospitable to explore on foot. The lands north of the mountains known as the Wall of Drumis are frostbitten, mysterious, and ever-changing. While the Fields of Frost haven't garnered the explorative attention of the other Drumian regions, some believe it could hide as great or even greater secrets than its southern siblings.   The topic that most perplexes scholars and historians is how far south the Fields of Frost reach. While there is something to be asked about how the impossible heights of the Wall of Drumis might impact the climate here, it is believed that some act of divine wrath or arcane weapon during the Reckoning may have caused the frost of the far north to come further down into Drumis. This is exacerbated by the fact that Aasveig, which is at a similar latitude to much of the Fields of Frost, is much more a taiga than the tundra and permafrost of this region. This question continues to perplex researchers, and some even wonder if the answer is simpler: that the air currents of the far north simply reach further south here before being stopped by the mountains of the Wall -- but these same scholars fail to explain the clear signs of past, more temperate activity present in some of the Fields, like in the Frozen Dagger.  

Frigid Slates

Flowing out of the Frozen Ramparts, the river known as the Frigid Slates is a relatively short, fast-moving river that empties out into the Frozen Dagger. This river earned its name due to the white water rapids that dominate most of its length and, as some explorers have recorded, sometimes flash-freeze into sheets of frozen ice before melting back into the water and continuing their rushing advance to the sea.  

The Frozen Dagger

Stretching nearly a thousand miles inland yet never being more than a hundred or so miles across, the Frozen Dagger is the frigid, ice-covered bay that comes in from the Kaldr Harkfjyrd. Icy winds blow hard and fast across the ice-covered surface of this strange body of water, ripping through the tattered sails of ancient ships held in their icy tombs. The size and number of destroyed ships frozen across this bay has lead historians to believe that the Frozen Dagger may have once been an important trade or military artery for the Obsidian Lords during the Reckoning, and that it was frozen over in whatever divine act caused the frost to come so far south.  

Frozen Flow

Though only seen once or twice by explorers, the Frozen Flow is a river that flows northward from the Iron Slopes. Believed to be meltwater from glaciers melted by the volcanoes within these mountains, the Frozen Flow's actual path and tributaries are guesswork at best. What has been recorded of the river is that it defies most understandings of water, much like its cousin to the west, the Impossible River. Like its cousin, the Frozen Flow moves ever northward towards some unknown end.  

Frozen Ramparts

Forming the westernmost wing of the Wall of Drumis, the Frozen Ramparts is a smaller -- both in width and height -- range that separates the Northern Reaches from the rest of the Litchneau Timberland. It is the most "normal" of the ranges that form the Wall but the sound of the gale-force winds that rush up and through the valleys of the Ramparts from across the Frozen Dagger is still haunting enough to dissuade many explorers, and that's ignoring the wind's chill factor. Additionally, white and crystal dragons are known to make their homes within these peaks, with the former regularly running into conflicts with the ranges other inhabitants.  

Northern Reaches

Though technically the Northern Reaches are simply an extension of the Litchneau Timberlands of the Drumian Wilds, they are regarded as a separate entity due to the ever-present snow and the more taiga-like qualities of their trees. The fauna is very different as well, on account of the frost. While the Northern Reaches are hardly documented well, it is believed that massive beasts call these shadowed woods their homes, such as bears the size of houses and wolves bigger than horses.  

The Wall of Drumis

Visible from many places on Drumis and comprised of the largest mountains in Emaxus, the Wall of Drumis is the biggest mountain range in the world. Both a few hundred miles longer than the Severed Tops and many miles taller than its mountains, the Wall of Drumis is believed to have been created with the corpse of an earth titan and then made even taller during the Reckoning, either by way of battle or by intentional change. Today, these cloud-piercing peaks bring nausea to those who see them, for just the bases of some of these mountains disappear into the skies. For this reason, the Wall has defied most attempts at exploration -- even if someone could make it to the range through the dangerous climes that block them, exploring the mountains themselves is a titanic task. So, the Wall of Drumis lingers as a grey and white tapestry along the horizon, visible for hundreds of miles yet eluding most attempts at understanding.


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