Iotura Geographic Location in Emaxus | World Anvil
Emaxus is currently undergoing a large entry into a new Age (and a large revision of the current Age). Consider this an active construction zone: things are moving around, getting changed, and the world's being reorganized. Apologies for the inconvenience!
- Brian


"Nothing is quite as beautiful as Iotura. From the peaks of the Severed Tops, one can see wide, pastoral plains and hills, marked by forests and ruins. Beautiful."

Credits to Olexeii Shuvorov for the amazing cover art!
The westernmost continent of Emaxus, Iotura was where the last scraps of civilization clung to existence in the Shelter Cities of the Reckoning: Theussau, Drakkina, Camaerith, and, most notably, Yathra Silthame. Its locales and regions are varied - ranging from the Reckoning-blasted wastelands of the Draconic Wastes to the hundreds of miles of dense forest of the Arakhor Tathra - and is split down the middle by the Severed Tops, one of the largest mountain ranges in Emaxus which bisects the continent in half from north to south. Iotura is a land of factions vying for dominance amidst the ruins of pre-Reckoning civilizations, and all the while dark forces brew in the shadows.


  • Iotura
    The map of Iotura and its surrounding landmasses!

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