Emaxus is currently undergoing a large entry into a new Age (and a large revision of the current Age). Consider this an active construction zone: things are moving around, getting changed, and the world's being reorganized. Apologies for the inconvenience!
- Brian

Dragon Titanium

When Accorion was shattered at the start of the Reckoning, chunks of the broken plane rained down across the multiverse. These meteors bore slammed into the surfaces of the different planes of Yophas, decimating the ground around them but remaining largely unscathed. These meteorites were made of adamantine, pitchcopper, and dragon titanium. The latter is the strongest metal in the multiverse.   Today, the adamantine and even the pitchcopper has slowly broken apart into smaller deposits, scattering across areas of up to a mile from the first impact. The dragon titanium has not. All across Yophas, buried under rock and dirt, there are countless deposits of greatly varying amounts of dragon titanium, the rarest and most valuable of all metals.  

Dragon Titanium Items

Weapons and armor can be forged with dragon titanium, but one must first find a deposit or a seller, a blacksmith capable of the work, and the liquid capital to afford it. The first two must be handled in-game, but for calculating the amount needed for the third, use the following formula: weight of the item x 5,000 gp. For example, a dragon titanium longsword would cost 15,000gp. See the rules below for what dragon titanium grants weapons and armor, as ran in a 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons game. All items made with dragon titanium are legendary.  

Dragon Titanium Weapons

All metal weapons can be made with dragon titanium. Quivers of dragon titanium arrows can be made for 5,000 gp each. They do not lose their properties when fired, and cannot break.   Weapons/arrows made with dragon titanium gain the following benefits:
  • They count as magical weapons for overcoming resistances and immunities.
  • They give the wielder a +3 bonus to damage and attack rolls made with the weapon.
  • They deal an additional die of their damage type: (d12 for a greataxe, d8 for a longbow, etc.).
  • Weapon attacks made with them score critical hits on an 18, 19, or 20.

Dragon Titanium Armor

All armor with metal in it can be made with dragon titanium. Dragon titanium armor gains the following benefits:
  • The wearer gains a +2 bonus to their AC.
  • The wearer has resistance to nonmagical damage while wearing the armor, and immunity to one additional damage type, determined when the armor is forged.
  • While wearing the armor, any critical hit the wearer takes is considered a normal hit.
  • Once per short rest, the wearer can make a saving throw against a spell or magical effect with advantage.


Material Characteristics

Dragon titanium appears like the purest silver or steel, with a slight iridescence to it. The iridescence can range from a green to a red sheen, depending on whether or not the dragon titanium has been exposed to any elements or magics.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Unworked dragon titanium makes one's hair stand on end when they touch it. It is impervious to most physical and even magical harm.   Once forged, dragon titanium instead feels like it is charged with energy, a palpable energy that makes the heart beat quicker.

History & Usage


Dragon titanium was worked by the greatest smiths of Kaedo and Narvox during the Reckoning. Even in their times, dragon titanium was rare, costly, and time-intensive. Nowadays, dragon titanium is nigh unheard of. It is whispered as a legend by some of the oldest smithies, but even they believe it was some great creation of the Age of Rebirth. To fashion something out of dragon titanium today would take unfathomable amounts of time, money, and the luck of finding a blacksmith able to work the metal.


Dragon titanium is completely pure, and thus does not need to be refined; however, to work the metal is a divine undertaking in and of itself. Dragon titanium only begins to be moldable at temperatures exceeding 5000 degrees, which can only be achieved in the rarest, most ancient, and blessed forges.    Once it is heated, it must be worked immediately. Dragon titanium's elemental resistance means it sheds heat incredibly quickly. Thus, it must be worked while still hot and kept hot throughout the forging process. Once removed from heat, dragon titanium returns to room temperature within seconds.

The Prison Metal

Dragon titanium was created to form the structure of Accorion, the prison plane for ancient evils, demon lords, and even the Obsidian Lords. As such, it was formed to be nigh-impervious to all assault -- physical or otherwise. Dragon titanium shrugs off most elemental effects, never rusts, and ignores minor magics.
Silver iridescent


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Jul 9, 2022 17:14
