The Collegium Organization in Emala | World Anvil

The Collegium

The Collegium are primarily a guild of doctors and alchemists who offer official training to become a licensed medical professional in Kyawas. Technically they are a civilian organization, but they hold an effective monopoly on medical treatment within Kyawas. The Collegium does not take kindly to others claiming authority on medical knowledge that do not hail from their own institutions.

Healers in Kyawas unaffiliated with the Collegium are known as red runners, and have a reputation for being much cheaper than collegium doctors. Red runners tend to treat criminals and the poor, but have much lower standards, reliability, and often ethics.

The Collegium are one of the big players within the Council of Free Trade as they too are a nationwide entity. They operate institutes that offer extensive training, including coveted and secret magic available nowhere else. It is one of the few organizations often given permission to give members domains, as healing magic is in high demand and fairly rare. A Collegium certified doctor can easily find themselves raising jat and rubbing shoulders the rich and powerful, it is an enviable and much sought after position.

Although not as prestigous and beneficial as becoming a Collegium doctor, a person with medical skill can seek lesser training with the Collegium after joining with them and paying their dues to earn the right to call themselves Collegium approved healers rather than being labeled red runners.

Corporation, Medical


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