Pattern Control in Emala | World Anvil

Pattern Control

Pattern Control has a wide amount of uses. In general, it is the skill used when directly controlling your own pattern.


People with any amount of access to Pattern Control are considered to have shroudsense. They become more aware of the magical energies of weft and warp and can sense them nearby. The radius of this sense grows with a persons echelon. Use the following table to determine the range of the shroudsense based on echelon.

Shroudsense allows a person to sense the pattern of other people, thus can be used to sense the presence of others nearby. Patterns is the sum of a person, everything they are can be found in their pattern. With sufficient skill, Pattern Control can be used to determine the echelon, domains, and powers of a person, as well as their emotions.

A person with shroudsense can communicate with others using Shroudspeak, an intuitive method of communication that directly confers emotion, imagery, and other senses rather than using language as a medium.

Fooling Shroudsense

While the pattern might contain the definition of their person, they are incredibly complex and hard to interperet, and they can be willingly obfuscated to make them harder to read. Pattern Control can be used to attempt to hide information from other peoples' shroudsense. Skilled practitioners can even hide their presence or present fake patterns that give bad information. For example, a person of the third echelon might want to present themselves as a first echelon person to the sense of their enemies so that they are underestimated. This can also be crucial when trying to remain undetected in stealth scenarios.

Professional Skill

Base Skill Value: INT + POW


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