Maladorite Material in Emala | World Anvil


Maladorite is a glassy mineral mostly comprised of riftstone and tanzanite. Visually this makes maladorite look jet black with sparkling bits of violet and blue, similar to blue goldstone. Veins of pure crystaline tanzanite or riftstone are often found within maladorite mines. Given its high riftstone content, Maladorite is a two worlds material, albeit a weak one.

Maladorite's most notable property is that it stores sound under the correct conditions, and the sounds can be replayed under other conditions. Though people have discovered some of the rules underlying when it chooses to store and replay sound, much of the process is left a mystery. Combined with weaving maladorite has been used to create consistant audio and even memory storage devices. Without magical assistance this sonic property is generally inaccessible, though it is sometimes triggered accidently.

Maladorite resists most erosion and is a generally tough material unlike normal glass; it is named after the ancient Maladori civilization who were known for their monilithic buildings of maladorite that have survived long after the civilization fell.

Maladorite is found along with rifstone deposits in the Timnai and Tazam Mountains.



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