Elys Character in Elysiar | World Anvil


Elys (EL-iss) the god of the Sun, Healing, and Summer. Elys is a divine being that was born at the creation of the universe and is one of the original nine deities.




Elys is the husband of Selena and the brother of Eventa, Surtr, Uranus, and Ymir.

Elys is the King of Celestia and co-ruler of the good planes with his wife. Most of the gods of good see him as their king, with the exception of Gaia, Mylara, Nieyr, Selena and Vydana.

Elys leads the gods of good in an eternal war against Zolena as she tries to destroy the universe so that the Void is all that remains. He is also allies with his brothers Uranus and Ymir in their fight to keep Surtr contained in his realm of Muspelheim.


Elys takes the form of a muscular human male with golden eyes, and golden hair with a full, well-groomed beard. He wears a gold-trimmed white doublet with black trousers and dark brown leather boots.

Church of Elys

Elys’ faith is the most widespread among the people of Elysiar. Farmers pray for sun to help their crops grow, artists often call upon the sun and its movements to augment their works, healers pray to Elys to help them mend wounds; the list goes on.


Elys’ clergy is highly organized an made up of a wide variety of persons. Clerics lead the faithful, both as warrior-priests or spiritual guides; paladins and champions form the militant arm of the faithful, taking the fight to the enemies of Elys’ faithful; inquisitors hunt down heretics and fiendishly aligned persons; oracles interpret signs from the heavens; and monks mediate on Elys’ teachings. Any and all of these may be stationary within a temple or monastery, or wandering the world spreading the word of Elys, vanquishing the undead, or all around easing the lives of all peoples under the sun.

While not as common as traditional clergy, a not insignificant number of druids follow Elys and typically operate out of groves not too far from towns and villages. These groves are almost always operated in tandem with druids of Gaia.

Order of the Sun Soul

Main Article: Order of the Sun Soul

The Order of the Sun Soul is a monastic order dedicated to understanding the cosmic order of the Sun, Moon, and Stars. Thus, they have a mixed group of followers dedicated to both Elys and Selena, though Elys is the predominant faith in the Order due to the more free-spirited nature of Selena. The Grandmaster of the order is Andor Stratos.

Children of Elys

Main Article: Children of Elys

The Children of Elys are a divergent, and much more militant, sect of the church of Elys dedicated to eliminating darkness and evil in the world. However, the sect has become more and more radicalized over time, now seeing everything that is not under the purview of the natural world, including all arcane magic, to be evidence of Zolena’s taint.

Temples and Shrines

Places to worship Elys are exceedingly common and vary in size, shape, and splendor. Most villages have a small chapel dedicated to both the worship of Elys and Gaia, and every town and city has a church, if not a cathedral, dedicated to the Dawnfather. The largest of Elys’ temples is the Citadel of the Dawnfather, a fortified cathedral around which the city of Fellburg is built.

Basic Information

The Dawnfather

The Elysiar Pantheon


1st Edition Pathfinder Statistics

Lawful Good

The Sun

Home Plane

Creation, Day, Healing, Redemption, Summer, the Sun

Glory, Good, Healing, Law, Nobility, Sun

Archon, Day, Heroism, Leadership, Legend, Light, Resurrection, Revelation

Aristocrats, artists, athletes, farmers, healers, redeemed evil-doers, the young

Worshipper Alignments

Favored Weapon
Scepter of the Eternal Sun (Morningstar)

Cleric 50
Templar 20


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